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I can't believe all the years I've spent seeking after lies
Now I know the truth

Mutsunokami walked Horikawa to his room. Once they reached the empty room, Mutsunokami laid out a second futon for Horikawa, who simply sat there. His head was swirling with thoughts and questions.

Why did Kane-san reject him? What was it he did wrong? Where did he make a wrong turn? Did he mother him too much? Should he have left him alone to take care of himself? But then what would be Horikawa's purpose of serving him? Or was he never supposed to serve him in the first place? Was all he did for Kane-san useless?

Horikawa's blue eyes began to glitter with shiny tears. He was trying to keep them at bay, just like his emotions. He's lasted this long without crying in front of someone, he can't start now.

Kane-san must've been lying, right? They've been together for so long that he can't just leave his assistant now, right? This must be a dream, it can't be true. Kane-san always loved him so for him to just come out and say he was useless, that's unthinkable.

Tears began to trickle down his cheeks. At first it was just a few droplets but the more he thought the more tears flowed. Soon small hiccups caught Mutsunokami's attention.

He spun around so quickly that it made his head spin a little. He was caught off guard when he noticed the drops coming from Horikawa's eyes. Throwing the futon sheets to the side, he rushed to the smaller boys side.

"Horikawa are you okay?"

Mutsunokami kneeled next to him, putting a hand on his back. Horikawa turned to Mutsunokami, eyes glistening with fresh tears.

Why was Mutsunokami acting so nice to him? He isn't worth the kindness that he shows him. He isn't worth anything, so why is he being treated so gently? It's not like he actually cares for Horikawa, right? He just wants to get his hopes up like Kane-san did just to throw him away when he's done playing with him.

Horikawa looked up at Mutsunokami, his eyes blue eyes spilling out tears.

"Please, don't leave me too."

Had Mutsunokami not been right next to Horikawa he would've never heard those words. Wrapping his arms around him, he brought Horikawa into a warm embrace.

"I promise, I'll save you Horikawa."

At the bottom of the deep dark sea there's a sword from long ago. He's long since forgotten the light and has given up trying to look for it. He can't swim, he's gone to deep. The only way to ever escape is if he is saved. In the deep blue sea all alone, he waits. Waits to be pulled out and shown light once again. And maybe, just maybe he won't be lonely any longer.

Mutsunokami held Horikawa in his arms while the smaller sword just cried out his tears until there were no more tears to shed. All the while Mutsunokami kept him close, rubbing his back and whispering sweet nothings into his ears.

When Horikawa's sobs resided to just small hiccups, he rested his head against the others chest. He let his blue puffy eyes close as the lack of sleep began to catch up to him. "Do you want me to wake you up when dinner ready or should I let you sleep?" Mutsunokami asked softly.

"Let me sleep, I'll eat whenever I wake up." He replied. He was much too tired to even care about food, not to mention the fact that he was in no way ready to face Izuminokami.

Nodding, Mutsunokami carefully moved Horikawa to the futon and laid him down. As he went to get up and retrieve the sheets he felt a hand tug at his sleeve. Looking down, his eyes met Horikawa's.

"Please don't leave Mutsunokami." He whispered, holding onto his sleeve.

Chuckling, Mutsunokami nodded. "I won't go anywhere, I promise. I'm just grabbing sheets so we don't freeze in our sleep." He told him. Nodding, Horikawa let go and Mutsunokami grabbed the sheets. Walking back to the futons, Mutsunokami laid the sheets on top of Horikawa before laying down next to him. He pulled a sheet over himself and pulled Horikawa close to him.

It wasn't long until Horikawa fell into a deep sleep. He breathing came out in small puffs as his black hair clung to his face. He looked at peace for once and Mutsunokami was glad. Letting his own eyes close, he too succumbed to sleep.

It wasn't until long past dinner that the two had decided to get up. Shokudaikiri and Kasen had came to check up on the two, but seeing as though the two were sound asleep they decided it was best to leave them be.

Mutsunokami was the first to wake up. His stomach growled as he looked at the sleeping beauty in his arms. Smiling to himself, he used his free hand to brush the hair from Horikawa's face.

A groan escaped the smaller ones lips as he cracked open his eyes. "What time is it?" Horikawa asked, looking up at Mutsunokami. Mutsunokami glanced over to peak through the crack in the door.

The sun had long since went down, the moon taking it's place in the sky. The stars littered the sky and with the help of the moon, illuminated the citadel.

"All I can say is we missed dinner."

Groaning, Horikawa sat up. "How about we go find something then? I'm hungry." He said, rubbing the sleep from his puffy eyes.

"Alright then." Mutsunokami stood up and headed out of the room, Horikawa following in pursuit. Reaching the kitchen, Mutsunokami slid the door open. Walking in, he looked in the fridge to see if anyone left them dinner. Sure enough Kasen and Shokudaikiri had left them some food on two separate trays. Taking the trays out, Mutsunokami placed them on the counter and went to check the rice. Taking the scoop, Mutsunokami began to fill their bowls with rice until he was satisfied.

"Here ya go."

Mutsunokami handed Horikawa his tray, smiling brightly at him. Horikawa returned the smile with a smaller one of his own. "Thanks Mutsunokami." He said softly.

"Now let's go eat." Mutsunokami said, heading to his room, Horikawa following behind him. Once they slid the door to the room shut and turned on the lamp, they began to eat.

Mutsunokami might be the key to bringing Horikawa back out of the sea. He'll be able to save the boy who was broken once and repair him. But there's the possibility that Mutsunokami can't save him and then Horikawa will break. What happens depends solely on the two and how the passing months play out.

It is found in You
Only You can satisfy
You can satisfy

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