The dragon storm

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Storm's POV
I woke up with flame brain a few feet away from me lying like there like road kill. My eyes shoot from side to side trying to spot Nashi. "Where is she?!"I mutter worriedly for myself. I begin to kick Igneel. "Yo Igneel wake up flame for brains!" I yell at him. He lays there without moving. I sigh"Oh hey Nashi." I start. He twitches. "Oh yeah sure let's kiss."I say blushing of the thought. Igneel shoots up "STAY AWAY FROM HER ICE BUCKET JR!" He yells picking a fight. "We can fight later for now we need to find Nashi."I state. "Fine but stay away from her ice bucket." He glares. I glare back. "LETS GO FIND MY LITTLE SISTER!" He yells running off probably looking or following her sent."Please be safe." I whisper up to the sky before running after Igneel. "YO SLOW DOWN IM GOING TO GET LOST!" I yell. He looks back at me with an evil grin "That's the plan!" He yells back. "WHY YOU-"I start as I run as fast as I can after him.

Nashi POV
I walk into the guild with my mommy and daddy. I spot Aunt Wendy and grab my moms hand. "Mommy. There is Aunt Wendy." I say pointing to my Aunt Wendy. " Just let me go talk to Levy really quickly then we can go ok." My mom says before walking over to my Aunt Levi. I stand in the middle of the guild. It was full of laughing people but I still felt so lonely and left out. My mommy and daddy aren't the ones that I know. I don't have my brother...I don't have anyone. Flashback
"Igneel! Where are you?!?" I yell worriedly into the woods. "IGNEEL PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE! IGNEEL!" I cry falling to my knees. "Hey hey hey Nash don't cry." Igneel say's walking out from behind a tree. "IGNEEL!" I yell running to him and giving him a hug. "Nashi We're twins. I'd never leave you alone. We always have each other and even if one of us gets lost we just stick our noses in the air and try to find each others scents." Igneel says hugging me back.
End Flashback
"Nashi right?" Someone asks touching my  shoulder lightly. I sniffle. "Yea-" I stop when I catch a familial scent. My eyes go wide and I race out of the guild. "Nashi wait!" I hear someone yell. I block out everything and focus on the scent. 'My brother.' I think with tears in my eyes. I see a person with messy blonde hair running in towards my direction from the distance. "IGNEEL!!!!!" I yell as tears spill from my eyes. "NASHI!!!!!"Igneel calls out to me. I run as fast as I can. "NASH!!!!!" Another voice calls out. I smile brighter. "STORM!!!" Igneel reaches me and pulls me into a hug. I sob into his arms. "I told you all we had to do was smell for each other." Igneel tells me. I pull away and smile brightly at Storm. "H-hey" I hug him tightly. Hiding my face in his shoulder I smile. "I missed you." He wraps his arms around me. "Missed you too Nash." He says laying his chin on my head. "Hey get away from my sis you popsicle." Igneel says grabbing Storms..."Where is your shirt you stripper?!?!" Igneel yells. "Gah!!!" Storm yells in surprise . I giggle as I watch my brother and Storm argue.

Well hello. No I haven't died. Sorry this took so long to upload. Im trying to focus on finishing one of my books and school started again so I might not update as often but that doesn't mean I'm not going to forget about this story so dont worry. Hope you liked it Baiiiiiii

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