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"Keith," Lance murmurs against Keith's lips, afterwards dragging Keith's bottom lip between his teeth. Keith licks his lip before going back to kissing his boyfriend. Lance groans into the kiss, like he seems to be doing a lot, before pulling away a bit again. "You're so hot."

Suddenly Keith chuckles into Lance's mouth. Lance tries to ignore it at first; letting their tounges mingle into a fight for dominance. As Lance moans, Keith can't help but chuckle again; Lance pulls away immediately. Annoyance is clear all over his face. "What is it?"

Keith covers his face with his hands as he falls in a fit of uncontrollable laughter. "Oh my god." he laughs into his hands, "Lance, I'm so sorry."

Lance groans again, this time it's pure annoyance. "If I did something wrong, just tell me Kogane." he says.

Keith drags his hands away from his face. He's biting his lip to contain his laughter. "You just called me hot." he states, small giggles escaping his lips. Lance can't help but smile somehow.

"Yeah, it's the truth. What's wrong with the truth eh?" Lance teases, smirking as Keith giggles again. "Come on, Kogane."

He presses his lips to Keith's one more time, before plopping down onto the bed, next to his boyfriend. Today is the day that Lance has to go back home. The day that Lance will have to face his father again. The day that he will have to leave his beautiful boyfriend behind.

"I'm going to miss you." the small boy mumbles, while placing his head on top of Lance's chest. "You'll be busy with finishing your last school year and so will I." The volume of his voice goes down and his laughter has finally stopped completely.

Lance makes a sound of disagreement. "We will call, remember what Shiro told you?"

"I do, but Lance... You'll be busy." he says quietly, not facing his boyfriend.

He really is afraid that Lance will be to busy. They both have to get incredibly good grades, as they want to get into the Garisson. Keith has to do a little more then Lance; Lance already has straight A's. It's not that the small boy has bad grades or anything, but he's just not that high up yet. Some subjects he has the A's, but things like English literature...
Keith was shocked when he found out that Lance actually was that good in school, because he really doesn't come off as a smart guy. Not to be rude towards his boyfriend or anything.

"I will call you every evening and we visit each other as much weekends as possible! Maybe we can even study together." the tall boy beams happily, "Shiro is kind enough to offer his old phone to you and you're going to use it."

Keith groans, "But what if they find out that I use another phone on school days?"

"You just have to be sneaky."

"And how am I going to visit you?"

Now it's Lance's turn to groan, "Be a little optimistic will you?" he says, "Shiro also offered to drive you to my place and if he isn't able to, I'll just take the train again."

It's silent for a while, but Lance decides to speak again. "I'd rather come to yours. I don't care if your parents are here, that just makes it more fun." he mumbles, "I don't want you to meet my dad."

Keith keeps silent, because he doesn't really know what to say. Is he supposed to comfort Lance? Or say that he does want to meet his mom and siblings? Or is that weird..

"Keith, it's time."


"Keith." Lance says sternly, "I don't want to go either, but Shiro is waiting and I'm going to miss my train."

Let's meet? (Klance Texting Fic) Where stories live. Discover now