Chapter 4: All In

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It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.
- William Shakespeare

"What?! That's insane!" I whispered yelled.

"It seems as if it is, but I have been carving this plan for decades. It's fool proof, all I need is someone like you to act it out." He said more seriously.

"You're just going to have to find someone else to do this." I said getting up to leave.

"You are the strongest girl I know Amahle. You have more of a reason than anyone to want to remove the king from power and I know that if you were ever given the chance, you would." He said trying to sound more persuasive.

He was telling the truth, and I hated it. I swore to myself that if I was ever given the chance to not let my fathers death go in vain, I would take it. This could be my only chance. "What's your reason?" I asked suspiciously.

"The Vilakati Clan are the real monarchs of Kambezi. Our thrown was taken from us. We want it back."

"Well I want a democracy."

"And once your son is King, you can have that."


"Shhhh. Keep it down."

"Solomon, I am only 17-"

"Eighteen by Reed Dance." He corrected.

I had a lot to consider with this. Was I willing to do all this for revenge?

"Why would I do all that just for revenge? It's not smart." I said.

"It's not just for revenge, it's for Kambezi, and the movement your father started."

I started to think about my father. He would have wanted me to fight for a democracy, probably not in this way though.

"Either way, it still doesn't explain your motive."

"You are seen as my daughter. You will be a Vilakati Queen and your son will be seen as a direct link from our clan."

"So what you'd want is notoriety?"

"What I want is power. And you will have that, and as the child's grandfather so will I. With you as the Queen Mother you can take your own steps and guide your son to make those democratic policies you have always wanted."

I started to see where his plan was going. All he wanted was a horse in the race for the throne and once he wins, Solomon wants to control him. I had to think about this.

I really want this democracy in the name of my father but I never imagined going about it this way. But as a female what other choice do I have in Kambezi. This may be the only way out and what if I never get another chance like this.

If I do go, what if things don't go to plan. Say I have a daughter, then what? Am I just stuck with this king? I couldn't bear the thought.

"What if I have a girl?"

"You won't have a girl. There are certain things we can do to ensure that.

"What do you mean?" I said uneasily.

"You'll find out soon enough." He replied, evading my question.

"You seem like the person who wants to make a difference and speak her mind, but you don't have the courage because you think you will fail. You have the determination in you, it runs rapidly in your veins. This is your only opportunity to do what your father was robbed of." He said. Those words ate at me. To do what your father was robbed of. "So are you in or not?" He continued.

"I'm in."

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