Chapter 10: Birds of a Feather

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A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.
-Jean de La Fontaine


"AMAHLE, HURRY!" My mother shouted frantically, taking me into her arms as tears ran down her face. We rushed inside the airport, my eyes wandered as I heard her screams for help. I looked at all the people inside who seemed frozen, none of them helped. All of them were afraid they'd meet the same fate as my father who lie out in the parking lot, motionless, with a bullet wound to the head.

"WHY ISN'T ANYONE DOING ANYTHING! My husband, he's he-" she stopped midsentence, breaking down.


I rested my head on my mothers chest, I got butterflies in my stomach as the plane started to take off.

"Is daddy coming?" I asked, examining her emotionless face.

She said nothing, continuing to stare out into space.

I had so many questions then? I didn't understand why she'd leave, but now I do. We weren't safe anymore. It was either face a world you don't know, or face a world that doesn't want you. Going to the U.K. wasn't an easy thing to decide, especially hours after my father had been killed, but I'm glad she made that choice. It was to protect me. To protect us. I hope one day I can be half the woman my mother is. But now, am I walking into everything she was protecting me from? Am I participating in everything my father denounced? Am I stepping on his legacy?

Flashback over

Today we go to the arena, it's day six, the king won't be here. We're going to be singing and dancing while keeping with our groups. Although the "fun" was underway there was still so much in my mind. Kizi. I hate he had to find out about my pregnancy at all or my plans to marry His Majesty, but I had to make him understand.

"Amahle, can we talk?" Thadie said to me. I took a deep breath and nodded my head in agreement. As we walked she began to speak. "Look I know I should have told you. I just didn't want to ruin everything or freak you out. I know you may not understand but I was trying to protect you. If I would've told you when I realized, you probably wouldn't even be here right now."

"Thadie? What on earth could you be protecting me from! You should've just told me the truth. I don't need anyone to sugar coat anything for me. No one ever has and I don't plan on letting anyone either! I trusted you, you said we were sisters, and that we tell each other everything, did that not mean anything after all?" I replied back. She grabbed me by the wrist.

"Amahle I-" 

"No, let me go! You should stay far away from me, I might do something I regret." I sneered, walking up far ahead.

I considered Thadie one of the few people I could trust, my only friend. Her only excuse was that she didn't want to scare me and ruin everything? Ruin what? The marriage? Our friendship? She could never do that by just telling me the truth. I never thought Thadie was fishy until now. Maybe she's the one hiding something.


Before we were to go out and dance I was pulled aside by the Royal festivities overseer.


"Yes?" I replied, confused.

"I am Jabulile, His Majesty has informed me to give you these." He said, holding out feathers.

"These are-"

"For the royal family." He said, finishing my sentence. "I'm sure you are aware of what this means. You will be placed under security, with the princesses for today and tomorrow. On the last day I will come to you with more instructions." He said. Before I could even ask another question he walked off.

My heart began to beat. This is really happening, I'm really becoming a royal fiancée?

I knew it was a possibility, that's why I did all this but now that it's happening, I'm scared.

I'm pregnant with his son's child. Even though everything I worked for was finally paying off I couldn't help but feel incomplete.

First I lost my father, then I lost Kizi, and now I've lost Thadie. How can I ever come back from this? I have no one. Everyone that I thought was going to stay with me forever ends up being taken or lying to me.

Maybe it's best I go to the palace, to get away from all of this.

"Amahle come on!" One of the girls shouted to me.

I followed her.

It's time you saw your destiny

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