Chapter 1: Contact the Alliance!

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~Salem City Diirok, West Part of the city, February 24th, 2102. 8:25 AM~

“Open fire!” Perema commanded the Regligator soldiers. The soldiers opened fire on the Hive that were attacking them. The soldiers were using Class-A rifles, while some soldiers and Perema had Class-AA rifles. Hive forms were being shot at tons at a time. “General, what is Vialete’s and Crene’s progress on calling reinforcements?” Prime Minister Tharioan asked through a communicator. “I'll check in on them. Perema responded. “Ok. They should be done by now. We have many ships around this city. Tell me if they are done soon.” Tharioan said. “Ok I will.” Perema said. Perema changed the tuning to Crene’s communicator. “Have you made contact with anyone from the Planetary Alliance?” Perema asked.

~South Diirok~

“Not yet, ma'am. We're heading towards the closest ship now.” Crene said. “Well hurry. We're being overrun by these parasites!” Perema said. “You heard what she said, Crene! Hurry! Run!” Vialete said as she stared running. “Ugh...Well I guess I have to...They should be contacted in a few minutes.” Crene said as he started running. “Ok. General out.” Perema said as she turned off the communicator. “Come on Crene hurry!” Vialete said. “ You run every day…” Crene said running out of breath. “Start running with me then! You need the exercise anyway!” Vialete said. “I...don’t want to...I’m too...lazy…” Crene said still running out of breath. “We're almost to the ship anyways! Keep running! You can do it!” Vialete told Crene trying to motivate him. “Ugh...I don't want to…” Crene said starting to slow down. “Crene! Go faster! We're literally 20 yards to the ship!” Vialete told Crene. “I can just walk the rest of the way…” Crene said starting to walk. “I'm at the ship, Crene! Just run!” Vialete yelled. “Nooooooo…” Crene said tired. “Ugh. Fine. Power walk.” Vialete said. “Fine…” Crene said as he started power walking.

Crene finally arrived at the ship. “Took you long enough!” Vialete said. “You're active...I’m not active…” Crene said tired and out of breath. “Then run with me!” Vialete said. “Let’s just focus on contacting the Planetary Alliance…” Crene said. Just then a Nagamorph came out of nowhere and rammed the ship into a building. The ship was heavily damaged, and the communication device on the ship broke. “God dammit! If you ran instead of walked this wouldn't have happened!” Vialete said getting frustrated with Crene’s laziness. “It would've happened! That parasite came out of nowhere! It was probably prepared to do that!” Crene argued. “Oh please! A thing with your IQ wouldn't be prepared for anythi-” Before she finished her sentence the Nagamorph came charging at them. They both dodged the Nagamorph. “Wow you actually did something athletic!” Vialete said. “Shut up!” Crene responded annoyed. Crene and Vialete both grabbed their guns out. They were Class-A rifles. They targeted the head fired at the Nagamorph. The Nagamorph came running at them again. They shot the head of it multiple times and it fell to the ground. “Wow you actually worked on something! Nice job!” Vialete said talking about his aim. “Surprised?” Crene asked. “I am!” Vialete said. “Well...the ship is broken so we can't contact the Planetary Alliance.” Crene said. “Ugh...I guess we have to work for another ship then...Go tell the General on your communicator.” Vialete said. “Ok on it.” Crene said.

“Hey General.” Crene said. “Hey. How's the communication thing going?” Perema asked. “The ship sadly got destroyed by a Nagamorph.” Crene said. “Crap! Well find something else that can be used to contact them! We're being overrun!” Perema said angered by what she heard. “We will. We'll just need to find some place that isn't overrun by the parasites.” Crene said. “Please hurry! Soldiers are turning into Hive and are dying!” Perema said. “We'll try, ma'am. Don't worry so much!” Crene said. “Just hurry…” Perema said worried about her soldiers.

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