Chapter 3: Attempting Communication

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~West Diirok, Februalry 24th, 2102. 9:27 AM~

Perema and her soldiers were shooting at the parasites. She was seeing soldiers become part of the Hive right in front of her. “Hey general! I found Crene and Vialete! We're heading towards a communications place!” Zoloxe said. Perema grabbed her communicator. “Hey that's great! Things aren't looking so good here though. After you contact the Planetary Alliance please come and help us. We may need to retreat soon.” Perema said. “Oh. Well we'll go as quick as we can. The communications place has a bit of parasites, so it may take awhile.” Zoloxe said. “Ok that's fine. We'll tell you if we retreat if you're not back in time.” Perema said. “Ok. See you later, ma'am!” Zoloxe said. “See you later.” Perema said.

~South Diirok, a few minutes later~

“We've arrived at the communications place, guys!” Zoloxe said. The communications place had a lot of parasites, but not as much as most of the others that have been seen. “I see that we have. So that's a small amount of parasites, huh? I guess it is a smaller amount than most of the communication places we've seen.” Crene commented. “We just need to kill them then. We're prepared. You guys have me here!” Zoloxe said. “Well what if you die? What're we going to do then?” Crene asked. “You guys are more than able to fight!” Zoloxe said. “Oh I wasn't talking about me. I was talking about Vialete.” Crene said. “Dick!” Vialete said angrily as she punched Crene in the shoulder. “Ow! You know I was joking!” Crene said. “No arguing. Let's just go and try to communicate with the Planetary Alliance.” Zoloxe said. “Ok fine.” Crene said reluctantly. “Let's do this!” Vialete said enthusiastically.

The group snuck to the location at the communications place with what seemed like the least amount of parasites. It was at a hole at the left side of the building. “What's the plan?” Vialete asked. “We run and shoot.” Zoloxe said. “That's all?! I would expect more of an actual plan from the “best” soldier on Salem.” Crene said. “Well that's all we need to do. It's not like these things are smart!” Zoloxe said. “Eh I guess you're right.” Crene said. “I am, so let's go. And take these.” Zoloxe said as he put a suppressor on his Class-A rifle and handed suppressors to Crene and Vialete. They put them on their guns. “Ok. On three we'll go and attack.” Zoloxe said. “Why not on one? Or how about we don't do this at all and go home?” Crene asked. “You know why we can't go home. And it's just what I do.” Zoloxe said. “Ok fine we'll go on three.” Crene said. “Ok. Thanks.” Zoloxe said. “Well are you going to count? We need to get this over with!” Crene said impatiently. “One...Two…” Zoloxe paused trying to add dramatic effect. “Zoloxe please just say three already…” Crene said impatiently. “...two and a half…” Zoloxe said jokingly. “Say three!” Crene said impatiently angry. “...two and three quarters…” Zoloxe said jokingly. “You're the best soldier so do your job! We need to get back to Perema before they retreat, so say three!” Crene said even more impatiently. “...three!” Zoloxe said as he jumped over the cover and shot at parasites. “Finally! Let's get this over with!” Crene said. “Yes let's!” Vialete said as they both jumped over the cover and shot at parasites.

“We're almost to the communications room!” Zoloxe said as he kept shooting and throwing grenades at parasites. “Yes! This is almost over with!” Crene said happily. “Even if we get contact with the Planetary Alliance the battle still won't be over. They're still trying to repair from the Robot Syndicate attacks two years so they'll be pretty low on resources and a little slow. And when the battle is over we still might need to worry about the other government that's using chemicals and giant bombs and nukes to get rid of parasites even at the cost of many citizens. I respect that they're hurting short term to save lives long term, but there are better ways of saving lives.” Zoloxe said as he kept shooting at parasites. “Yeah true. Ugh I just want to be a kid again so I wouldn't have to worry about this crap.” Crene said. “We all do. We just need to keep fighting so we can have that same peace we had when we were kids.” Zoloxe said. “I guess you're right.” Crene said. “Guys we're finally at the communications room!” Vialete said. “Yes!” Crene said. “I'll contact the alliance.Protect me.” Zoloxe said. “Will do!” Vialete said enthusiastically. “Ok I will.” Crene said. Zoloxe walked up to the communications device. He turned it on and connected to the Planetary Alliance Communications Network. “You've connected to the Planetary Alliance Communications Network. What do you need?” A person said from the communicator. “We nee-” Just then a Nagamorph charged into the room and broke the communications device.

Before the Nagamorph hit Zoloxe Crene grabbed him and pulled him away from the device. “Thanks!” Zoloxe said. “A thanks isn't what we need to worry about. Because that motherfucker cost us peace and tranquility!” Crene said angrily. Zoloxe got up and they all shot at the Nagamorph's head. The Nagamorph fell down and died. “Good thing we had these suppressors. Other parasites would've heard that if we didn't.” Vialete said. “I guess that's true. But our only chance at getting peace is gone!” Crene said angrily. “There's still many ships and communications places out there. We'll be able to find one.” Zoloxe said. “I guess that's true. I'm still angry though! Are you guys angry? I'd be surprised if you guys aren't.” Crene said. “Oh we are!” Zoloxe and Vialete said at the same time. “That's what I thought.” Crene said. “Well we need to tell Perema the bad news. She isn't going to be happy!” Zoloxe said. “That's a given!” Vialete said.

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