Chapter 2: A Third Ally

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~West Diirok, February 24th, 2102. 8:52 AM~

Perema and her soldiers shot at the parasites. She was still angered at the fact that the chance of contacting the Planetary Alliance was taken away from a Nagamorph. “Hey ma'am what's wrong?” A soldier asked concerned. “You know exactly what's wrong, Private Zoloxe!” Perema said to Zoloxe. “Oh yeah the whole not being able to contact the P.A. thing.” Zoloxe said. “Yes. That. Now focus on protecting us instead of wondering what's wrong with your general if you already know.” Perema said. “Yes ma'am.” Zoloxe responded. Zoloxe and Perema shot at the parasites. “Hey Zoloxe you want to do something else instead of shoot a ton of parasites?” Perema asked. “Sure. What is it?” Zoloxe asked. “I need you to help Crene and Vialete find a place that is able to communicate with the Planetary Alliance.” Perema said. “It beats trying to defend a place. I'll do it.” Zoloxe said. “Ok. We need to clear the way for you. Soldiers clear the way for Zoloxe!” Perema commanded. The soldiers shot at the parasites. Nagamorphs were trying to charge at them. They kept getting shot many times in the head. Some Nagamorphs were able to charge into some soldiers and injure them. Hive were trying to make soldiers into Hive. Some Hive got some of the soldiers. The soldiers shot the Hive forms and cleared a way for Ziloxe. He then ran through the cleared path and shot as many parasites as he can so not as many soldiers would die. “Good luck, Zoloxe!” Perema yelled to him. “Thanks! Good luck to you too! And you guys too!” Zoloxe yelled to Perema and her soldiers.

~South Diirok~

“Well that sucked.” Crene said. “We would've been able to contact the Planetary Alliance if you weren't so lazy!” Vialete said angrily. “I know. I'll start running with you everyday so I can get quicker.” Crene said. “You better! Last time you said you were going to run with me you pretended to be asleep every morning!” Vialete said remembering what went on a few months ago. “It ain't my fault! It was my body's! It doesn't like waking up!” Crene said. “No excuses. Now run with me every day now since you said you would.” Vialete said. “Ok fine I will.” Crene said. “Well now let's search for a place to communicate the Planetary Alliance.” Vialete said. Crene and Vialete looked for a ship or communications center that isn't surrounded by parasites. No matter what one they saw in the area it was surrounded by parasites. They also ran whole time. “This is...too much running for a beginner…” Crene said out of breath. “That's how much I ran when I began.” Vialete told Crene. “No it wasn't!” Crene said remembering how much Vialete ran. “Let's just stop arguing about it and focus on looking for ways to communicate with the Planetary Alliance.” Vialete said. “Ok. Fine.” Crene said.

Crene saw some Hive grunts in the middle of a road. They got into cover behind some debris of a building. “Should we attack them?” Crene asked. “Of course we should! More dead Hive equals less Hive we have to fight later on!” Vialete said. “Ok then. Let's do it!” Crene said as he equipped his Class-A rifle. Vialete did the same. They got out of cover and shot at the grunts. The Hive grunts charged at Crene and Vialete, but were all shot down by them. “Heck yeah! Take that Hive!” Crene said. “Yeah take that!” Vialete said. Just then many Hive grunts came out of the shadows and attacked Crene and Vialete. They shot at the grunts with their guns. “Crap we shouldn't of shot at those Hive!” Crene said. Three grunts then charged at Crene. He shot one dead and tried to dodge the others, but was too slow and got taken down by the grunts. One of the grunts was scratching Crene while both were trying to take control of Crene. Vialete shot them off before they could. “This is why you should've ran with me months ago!” Vialete said while shooting at other grunts. “Yeah I should've. Now I have scratches on me, and I'm bleeding.” Crene said getting up.

They kept shooting at the grunts, but more and more were coming. They were getting outnumbered. “Keep shooting, Crene!” Vialete said. “Like I'm going to stop! I ain't dying today!” Crene said as he shot at as many grunts as he can. The grunts kept coming. Every one grunt they shot caused one more to come in. “If we die Crene I need to ask you ask you something before we do!” Vialete said while shooting at grunts. “What's that?” Crene asked. “You've always been a great friend! I couldn't of asked for a better one!” Vialete said. “You are too, but enough with the emotion because we ain't dying!” Crene said. Crene and Vialete heard shots in the distance. “Holy crap you may be right, Crene!” Vialete said. They then heard multiple explosions and saw many grunts in the distance die. Crene and Vialete shot at grunts while the explosions went on. After most of the grunts were cleared the person who saved them came up to them. “Hey guys long time no see!” Zoloxe said. “Oh hey Zoloxe! How did you know we were here?” Vialete asked. “Perema sent me and I heard the gunshots while looking for you guys.” Zoloxe said. “We were lucky you were around! Did you go by any ships or communication places with no parasites by any chance?” Vialete asked. “Not any that had none, but I did go by a communications place that didn't have much parasites compared to the others I've seen. We can go there.” Zoloxe said. “Ok lead the way! Can't wait to have Salem be free again!” Vialete said. “I'll tell the general that I found you guys.” Zoloxe said. “Ok well let's go!” Crene said.

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