Dinner and a Book

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It began raining as we were walking from the woods to the dining hall for dinner, Hiccup and I both getting wet. Entering the hall, Gobber and the kids were already there, talking about training from earlier today. Alright, where di Astrid go wrong in the ring today?" Gobber asked. "I miss timed my somersault dive, it was sloppy. It threw off my reverse tumble." Astrid answers for herself. "Yeah, we noticed." Ruffnut comments. "No no you were great. That was so Astrid." Snotlout kisses up to her. "She's right. You have to be tough on yourselves." Gobber says. Hiccup and I walk up to the table, each grabbing a plate of food and going over to the empty neighboring table and sitting down alone together. "Where did Hiccup go wrong?" Gobber asks everyone. "Uh, he showed up." Ruffnut comments. "He didn't get eaten." Snotlout adds. "He's never where he should be." Astrid answers. "Thank you, Astrid." Gobber thanks her, walking behind Ruffnut and Snotlout, hitting them on the head. "Ow!" Ruffnut whines. I place my hand on top of Hiccups on the table, squeezing it rather tightly. He looks at me, whispering, beginning to try and tell me not to worry. "___(f/n), I'm fi-" But once he sees the anger burning on my face, he realizes that I did that to try and calm myself down, not comfort him. He places his free hand on top of my own, getting my attention and looking at him. He mouths "it's alright", rubbing the top of my hand with his thumb. The light motion and sweet gesture helps in calming me down a little, but I'm still upset at them for always being so mean and rude to Hiccup. I mouth "Thank you" to him, Hiccup giving me a small smile and nodding, making me smile back at him. "You need to live and breathe this stuff." Gobber says, throwing a book onto the table in front of the children. "The dragon manual. Everything we know about every dragon we know of." Thunder rumbles outside, Gobber listening. "No attacks tonight. Hurry up." He says, then leaving the room. "Wait, you mean, read?" Tuffnut asks. "While we're still alive?" Ruffnut adds. "Why read words when you can just kill the stuff the words tell you stuff about?" Snotlout questions. "O-Oh! I've read it like, seven times!" Fishlegs starts rambling excitedly. "There's this water dragon that sprays boiling water at your face." Snotlout slowly turns his head, giving Fishlegs a funny look as he continues talking about the book. "And-And then there's this other one that buries itself for like a week-" Tuffnut cuts him off, putting his hand up and closing his fingers together, signalling for Fishlegs to stop talking. "Yeah that sounds great, uh there was a chance I was gonna read that." "But nooww..." Ruffnut drags out. I notice Astrid look over at me. It seems like she wants to say something to me, but then she looks at Hiccup sitting next to me and turns away. "You guys read, I'll go kill stuff." Snotlout says as he gets up from the table, the other three standing up as well, exiting the hall, leaving Astrid, Hiccup and me. Hiccup gets up to, walking over towards the other table where Astrid and the book are. I get up as well, walking next to him. He stops in front of her and the book. "So I guess we'll share?" "Read it" Astrid says, hitting the book away from her and getting up, walking off towards the others. "Uh a-all ours then! Wow! So uh okay I'll see you uh-" The door to the hall slams shut, all of them being gone. Hiccup sighs in defeat, then jumping slightly as I wrap my arms around his waist, hugging him from behind. "You don't need them. Besides, now we can be alone together." "We've spent almost the entire last two days alone together." Hiccup comments. "I know isn't it great?!" I say happily, squeezing my arms around him tighter. "I don't know, I think I'm starting to want some time alone again like I spent the last fifteen years of my life." Hiccup says, obviously joking, making me laugh. "Yeah right." I let go of him, going over and grabbing both of our plates, bringing them to the other table and setting them down, sitting on the bench, Hiccup joining me. We finish eating, anyone else still in the dining hall leaving and the large fires going out, the dining hall darkening. I put our plates away while Hiccup gets two small candles, lighting them and placing them on the table for us to read by. We sit next to each other again, staring at the book. "Have you ever read this before?" Hiccup asks me. "No, you?" I reply. "Nope. I guess this'll be the first time for both of us." (Wink wink) Hiccup opens the book to the first page, beginning to read its contents allowed. "Dragon classifications. Strike class, fear class, mystery class." He turns the page, a drawing of a dragon with a wide mouth on the page. "Thunder Drum." I read it's name, Hiccup reading the description of the dragon. "This reclusive dragon inhabits sea caves and dark tag pools. When startled, the thunder drum produces a concussive sound that can kill a man at close range. Extremely dangerous, kill on sight." Turning the page again, Hiccup now reads the name this time while I read the description. "Timber Jack." "This gigantic creature has razor sharp wings that can cut through full grown trees. Extremely dangerous, kill on sight." We switch again on the next page, me reading the name. "Scaldron." "Sprays scalding water at it's victims. Extremely dangerous -" Thunder cuts Hiccup off, booming in the background, both of us yelling and jumping in our seats, me grabbing onto Hiccup's arm for assurance. A moment goes by in silence before we turn back to the book, continuing to read together, though I let Hiccup read the entire next page himself. "Change Wing. Even newly hatched dragons can spray acid. Kill on sight." We take turns reading the names of the next few dragons as Hiccup progressively flips through the pages. "Gronkle"


"The Skrill"

"Bone Napper"

"Whispering Death" Hiccup trails off, then taking over, only reading part of each description. "Burns its victims, buries its victims, chokes its victims, turns its victims inside out. Extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous. Kill on sight, kill on sight, kill on sight." He then flips past several pages, stopping at almost the back of the book, the page having no drawing on it. I look at the name at the top, reading it aloud. "Night Fury..." Hiccup reads the rest written below. "Speed unknown. Size unknown. The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself. Never engage this dragon. Your only chance, hide and pray it does not find you." We both stare at the imageless page silent, Hiccup then pulling out his notebook and opening it to the drawing he made of the Night Fury, lying it down on the page of the book.

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