•Beach Side Disaster•Chapter 3•

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Sorry for the long wait 😘
-Your POV-
You saw a familiar figure and face in the distance. You couldn't quite pin point it, all you could think of was,"why the hell is someone wearing a robe at the beach? Extra much?" You just brushed the thought off.

As you kept thinking and thinking about Squidward and you, you then realized who the figure was. It was Squilliam himself. You felt rage come over you, your hands turned into fist, and you could feel your face flush with red. You then heard Squidward,"Y/n? Are you ok, darling?" Before you could reply, you were interrupted.

"Oh hello there, y/n! Good to see you again! I see you moved on rather quickly... and I also saw you two had a good meal.. So! I take it you've been doing swell?" Squilliam said in his usual stuck up voice.

"I'm doing more than well thank you very much! I finally found someone who cares about me more than his work!"

"Hmm perhaps so, but, y/n, I highly doubt his home will be as large as mine~." He said with a wink. You blushed a bit at that comment, you had a flashback-a-Rooney to you and Squilliam. He was good, but I'm sure Squidward was better. We'll have to find out soon~.

Squidward stood up angrily,"Yknow wHAT Squilliam? We have to go. Have a good day, you can leave now." He kept it passive aggressive, you were proud. You both started packing up and heading home. There wasn't much chat on the way, both of you were pissed.

"Y/n?... what the hell did you even see in him? He's a jerk who doesn't deserve to even be in your presence!"

"Squiddy calm down, I was naive and thought I was happy when I wasn't. You showed me true love~."

"Did you two?... yknow."

You were startled by that remark but answered anyways with an embarrassed,"y-yeah... big mistake..."

"Well... we can discuss it later ok? Don't mean to make you uncomfortable. We're here at your home."

"Hey squiddy?..."

"Yes, y/n?"

You blushed a bit and finally asked,"Would you like to stay over?.."

He blushed as well, face as red as a tomato as he thought "no no no, maybe she just means a sleepover like spongedork means. Bored games, separate sleeping quarters, she just needs me to feel safe. Right?" He finally snapped out of it,"y-yes I'd love to!"

You both made your way into your house, door closed and locked. A fun evening awaits you!
If anyone has any request, REQUEST ARE OPEN 😁

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