Chapter 9: Take a Bow by Rihanna

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Two months had passed since that night on the beach. Was it possible to have a perfect relationship with a perfect person? We never fought over anything, he always made me feel special, he made me feel loved. He made me feel like I was worth something to someone. It's been three and a half months that I have been his and he has been mine. It has the most romantic three and half months of my life, and the most perfect three and half months ever.

Tonight was their last show of the Up All Night Tour. I know all five of them had been dreading it. They were having the time of their lives traveling, meeting fans and becoming closer as band. They had so many memories and I think they were really starting to realize how famous they were becoming, when in reality they were still five singing idiots. 

I was finishing up doing my make up and Niall was in the shower. I grabbed my Mac computer and opened up iTunes. I put my library on shuffle, and opened up the Internet. The song "Yes" by LMFAO was playing and I couldn't help but laugh at the lyrics of that song. I opened up twitter to see that I now had 500,000 followers. That blew my mind. I decided to tweet something. It read: "WOW! I have 500K that is incredible. You are so sweet :)x". No later than ten seconds later my mention started going crazy. I followed about ten people. I read so many comments telling me that they loved me, and that they thought I was pretty and that they loved Niall and I together. So sweet. The song changed to "Warzone" by The Wanted. I read through a few more comments. Then I stopped at one comment. Hate. It read: Why the fuck is Niall with @KathrynBell she is ugly. #wtf". My jaw dropped I couldn't believe someone could say that.

I read a few more comments and then there was another message. And another, and another. I wasn't used to this. It had never really happened before. The tears started to fall down my face, when I heard a door behind me open. I wiped my tears, but they still fell. My back was to the door and I was sitting on the edge of the bed with my laptop in my lap. I felt someone sit on the bed next to me. 

"Babe, whatcha doing?" I heard Niall say with his accent. He was wearing a pair of jeans, and I could see the waistband of his boxers. No shirt, and a San Francisco snapback. 

I closed my laptop fast, and quickly said, "Nothing."

I leaned up against the headboard and Niall turned on the TV. The tears were stil falling and I couldn't help it. I tried to hide it from Niall. But he looked over at me, and sat up quickly. 

"Oh my god, Kat! What's wrong?"

"It's nothing,"  I said quietly and wiped my tears. 

"Kat, come on."

"Fine." I opened my laptop, and went onto twitter. I showed Niall the messages. There were more now. And the tears fell harder. He pulled me into a tighter hug and leaned back and let me cry into his chest.

"I am so sorry. You know none of those things are true!" He said.

We both leaned up, and he was looking me in the eyes now. "Those people are assholes. And to me they aren't truly our fans if they can't respect the people we love."

I nodded, still crying a little. He placed both of his hand on either side of my face, and used his thumbs to wipe away my tears. I looked down. Then he said, "Look at me," I looked up. "You are better than every single one of those people. There may be one hater, but for every one of those haters there are 10,000 other people that love you. Shut up the haters, and do was El and Danielle do. Kill them with kindness. I love you." He kissed my forehead and pulled me into a hug.

When we broke apart, I looked him in the eyes and softly said, "Thank you."

He leaned back against the headboard and I cuddled up to him right under his arm, and I wrapped my arm around his stomach. He was holding me tightly. We sat like that for a while.

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