Chapter 17: Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper

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My mind was in a whirl. Holly was the kind of girl that was a straight up insane ex-girlfriend. She broke into the house and made a huge mess in our room. I didn’t know what to do, honestly. One part of me wanted to just beat the shit out of her, but the other part of me just wanted to ignore it and move on with my life. I lay next to Niall while we watched Bridesmaids. He was laughing nonstop, and that me smile. His laugh always made me laugh. I must have looked like something was bothering me because Niall turned to look at me multiple times. After about five times he grabbed the remote and paused the movie.

He grabbed my hand then said, “Kat, what’s on your mind?”

“Nothing,” I replied looking down at our hands.

“Well, I know that’s a lie.” He said sternly, holding my hands tighter.

“It doesn’t matter, can we just continue the movie,” I said while reaching for the remote.

He grabbed the remote from my hand and threw it across the room so I couldn’t reach it.

“No Kat, tell me what’s going through your head. You told me earlier that you were over the whole Holly thing. So what is it now?”

I didn’t say anything. He lifted my chin to look at him. He was looking into my eyes with such strength.

“Tell me, babe.”

I hesitated then said, “This whole Holly thing, it’s still bothering me. I can’t get it out of my head. It just worries me, especially because she seems pretty powerful and intimidating. I mean she broke into the fucking house! Who knows what else she could do.”

I looked down again.

“Kat, look at me,” Niall said. I obeyed.

“If you’re afraid of her breaking us up, don’t be. It won’t ever happen. I was with her a while ago. I’m with you now. She was my past, but you’re my present and future. I’m going to do everything I can to make sure she doesn’t ruin this for us. Okay?”

I looked into his eyes and I could tell how serious he was.

“Alright Niall, but you do need to understand that she seriously freaks me out.”

“I know she does. She’s insane; just forget about it as much as you can. She wants you to worry about it because she knows it will bother you, so just let it go and enjoy what you have.”

I nodded so that he knew I agreed. He leaned over and wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a hug.

“Everything will be okay,” he whispered in my ear.


It’s been two weeks since then and thankfully Holly has not shown her face or done anything to mess with our relationship. Niall and I were just chilling out because he was going back to LA for a week for the VMA’s. So we were just enjoying each other’s company.

“Hey babe do you want to do something? Like go for a walk or something?” Niall asked.

I grabbed his hand, stood up and walked out the door.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” he replied with a laugh.

It was pretty dark outside with only the light of the full moon lighting the way. We walked hand in hand and just talked.

“How excited are you to go back to LA, and the VMA’s?” I asked with a lot of enthusiasm.

“I am so pumped! You have no idea. I love LA, and we get to go to our first VMAs. That’s so amazing!” He was so excited and I could hear it in his voice. Even though I was sad he was going to be gone for a little while, I was okay with it because it was times like these when I could hear the excitement in his voice and I could tell how happy he was. He was living the dream and that was all that mattered.

We walked some more when I realized my lip gloss had fallen out of my pocket. I looked back to see it wasn’t far behind.

I turned and walked back to pick it up. Niall and I made the stupid move of walking in the street. After I picked up, I saw headlights about five feet away from me, coming towards me at full speed. I didn’t have any time to get away and the car slammed into me. I fell to the side and I heard Niall scream my name and I heard him run towards me. Then everything was a blur.

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