The Life and Times of Lacey Jaye Grenville ( 8 years old )

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I'm Lacey Jaye Grenville and this is my story.I am the daughter of Nathaniel Ethan Grenville and the late Lacey Jaye Rutherford Grenville.I was only three months old when mama died.My daddy and me maw and pe paw are raising me the best that they can without my mama.It's hard growing up without a mama.


I turned eight years old today and my daddy got me journals to write in,just like me maw and pe paw did for mama.Each year of my birthday daddy tells me something new about mama that I didn't know.This year he told me that mama always had a Birthday/Christmas Eve Ball every year and when she turned eight on Christmas Eve daddy told mama that he was going to marry her when they were old enough,that just makes me smile to know that even back then they were destined to be together.Daddy's twenty-four now and sometimes when I walk past his room that he shared with mama I hear him cry and says how much he loves and misses her.It breaks my heart to hear the hurt and pain that comes from their bedroom.I hoped through the years some of the pain from losing mama would have eased up some,but it seems to have escalated instead.

Lacey,daddy calls upstairs to me put your journal down for now because your friends are here for your birthday party.I tell daddy that I will be down in a few minutes.I put on my light blue t-shirt and light blue jeans and my black sneakers.

As I'm coming down the stairs I see my best friend Cheyenne Marie Stonehill and my other best friend Drake Zayne Davenport waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me.Both have these big smiles plastered across their faces.Chey had this jet black curly hair to her waist and dark green eyes and thick curly lashes and tanned complexion and Zayne had pale blonde hair and gray/blue eyes.I took both there hands and they led me into our large family room.

Daddy bought the ranch right next to me maw and pe paw' s ranch.Our place is very beautiful.We have a two story rancher with blue/gray vinyl siding and lavender shutters.Our house has six large bedrooms upstairs,large dining room and large family room but most importantly a very large gourmet kitchen because I love to cook.I cook all me and daddy's meals with the help of our housekeeper Margaret Winslow.I love her because she has been with us since I was six months old,when we moved out of my grandparents home and daddy bought this place.Oh yeah I almost forgot all the bedrooms have a connecting bathroom.

Everyone jumped out and sang Happy Birthday to me as Mags brought out my birthday cake.It was four layers,with beautiful pink and lavender roses,eight candles with happy birthday written in pink and lavender.I had lots and lots of presents on the sideboard.I would have gladly given all of them back for just one day with my mama.

Lacey,I think everyone should sit down and we'll eat our pizza and drink our kool-aid,afterwards we'll cut the cake and have ice cream.Everyone please sit down and we'll have our meal and then the cake and ice cream.Lace come and sit next to me and Chey,ok.What do you think your daddy got you for your birthday?Chey asked me,I don't know.The party was wonderful and I got a lot of cool presents.

Sept.24th 2022

The party is over and it was a great time and I loved having everyone share it with me.Chey got me a beautiful jewellery box with a white horse that spins around when it's opened and some bracelets and earrings and necklaces to wear.Drake got me a beautiful three dimensional framed picture of wild Mustang horses running wild through water,and the most special gift of all was when he gave me a birthday kiss and told me how beautiful I looked.He whispered in my ear,when I grow up I am going to marry you because I already love you.I told Zayne I wanted to marry him to when I'm old enough.

After everyone left daddy said that he wanted to give me my present from him.I asked him what it was and he told me to follow him outside.I followed him to the barn and in the barn was this beautiful black stallion pony with a star in the center of his nose.What's this daddy I asked him?This my angel is your birthday present from me.This pony is the offspring of mommy's horse Trick.I bought Trick also from your grandparents.He's pretty old now but your mama loved him so much.What should I name him?Name him whatever you want to name him.How bout I call him StarBlaze?I think that is a wonderful name.Ok,sweetheart it's time to go to bed.Alright daddy I love you,I love you too sweetpea.

Dec.24th 2022

It's Christmas Eve and this is the night my mama passed away eight years ago.I wish I could love Christmas like mama did,but it is so hard because this is the night I should be spending with my mama and daddy.I do love Christmas but not having mama here always makes me sad.I know that it makes daddy sad because I hear him crying in his room when he thinks I'm in bed.This morning after breakfast we put mama's favorite pink roses on her grave.Merry Christmas mama I love you.

The first part of little Lacey's story is completed,what do you think?I loved writing her mama's story and I know that I am going to love writing hers as well.You have made the last journey with me,won't you make little Lacey's journey with me as well.Please vote and comment.Any and all feedback welcome.Thank you for your kindness and support.

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