Lacey's Life and Journals ( 9 years old )

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Today is my birthday and I am nine years old now.I can't believe that mama has been gone nine years ,I wish with all my heart that I could have gotten a chance to have spent some time with my beautiful mama.Even though I didn't get that chance my daddy tells me everyday that I am the spitting image of her.What does a daughter say to the memory of her mama,in my case I haven't even got a memory?The only words that comes to mind are I love you mama,I miss you and I wish you were here.I ask myself everyday why we're you taken from me before I even had a chance to know you?I ask daddy that same question whenever I'm feeling down and he would say,Lacey darling,it was Gods will.He wanted mama with him,but he wanted you with me.

I have to go get my shower because my party is in four hours.I'm showering and I hear a noise,I'm thinking what is that?I get out of the shower and begin to dry off when I happen to look into my mirror and I see myself looking back at me but I am a teenager in the mirror.Wait,that can't be me I'm thinking because I am not a teenager but mama was when she died.I'm just staring at her and she has this beautiful radiant smile and she says Happy Birthday Lacey,mama loves you and always will,and the next time I looked up to say that I love you too, my mama she was gone.I start thinking that I just wanted to see her so bad that I actually thought that I had.

This shook me up so bad that I felt steams of tears falling down my face.It was so strange that I actually thought I saw her but I know that's impossible because mama died almost nine years ago now.I say to myself pull yourself together Lacey it was only wishful thinking.I finish drying off and go to my room to get dressed for my party.I choose a pink cami top with a matching sweater and a pair of pink jeans and pink cowgirl boots.I pull my waist-length hair into a ponytail.I start to go out my bedroom door and I happen to look back and my mama is smiling at me and she says to me happy birthday sweetheart I love you and then she was gone.

I didn't know what to think or what to do about what I saw.Should I tell daddy that I saw mama or should I just say nothing?I decided after the party when everyone has left that I will talk to daddy about what I saw.What happened really shook me up,I just don't know how to react to something like that.I'll have to think more on that later because all my party guests are here.I start walking down the stairs when I see Chey and Zayne at the bottom with big smiles on their faces.Hi guys,thanks for coming.We wouldn't miss your birthday for anything.I know that you wouldn't.Do you know what your daddy got you this year for your birthday?No,he always gives me his present after everyone goes home.

Ok everyone if I could have your attention for just a few minutes.First I would like to say thank you all for coming and second dinner is being served in the dining room.I thought we would have dogs and burgers along with potato salad and macaroni salad,pork and beans with bacon,sliced tomatoes and corn on the cob.If everyone would get into a line you all can begin to go down the table and choose what you would like to eat.After we have eaten everyone can give Lacey her presents,once that is complete the cake and ice cream will be served.Of course Lace has to blow out the candles before the cake is cut.My cake was four tiers of pink frosting with a castle on the top tier.A princess and prince on the bottom tier and beautiful trees and animals on the second and third tiers.


As you can imagine I received lots of presents as I do every year and that's great,but the most important part of my birthday to me isn't the presents it's sharing this day with my family and friends.I can't help but think back to earlier when I saw mama,did I really see her or was it just wishful thinking.Everyone has left now,Chey gave me a horse music box with a spinning horse on the top,a couple of pretty sweaters and Zayne got me a necklace with my birthstone and matching earrings.Daddy handed me a very big box and I had no idea what it could be.Ok Lace go ahead and open it he told me.I took off the wrapping and the oversized bow and I took out the kind of outfit that you wear in horse competitions at a rodeo.It was beautiful and I do enter these competitions every year and I win first place every year.

Thank you daddy it's beautiful,you're welcome sweetheart.I look at him trying to figure out how I'm going to tell him about seeing mama.Lace are you ok?Yes I'm trying to figure out how to tell you about an experience that I had before I came down to my party.What kind of experience?I went to go take my shower when I heard this noise so I peek out of the shower and I don't see anything at first.I start drying off when I look into the mirror and I saw mama looking back at me.At first I thought it was me but I realized that it couldn't be me because she looked to be about sixteen years old.The thing is she looked just like me except an older me.That's not possible Lacey,daddy I'm telling you that I am pretty sure that it was mama.She told me Happy Birthday and said she loves me and always would.I went into my room to get dressed for my party when I saw mama again and this time she said I love you sweetheart and happy birthday and then she was gone.Well maybe it was just wishful thinking about seeing your mama,maybe.After I told daddy about what happened we didn't talk about that day anymore.


Christmas Eve,this is the hardest day of the year for me because this is the day my mama passed away.It's been three months since I saw mama,I haven't seen her since my birthday.Maybe daddy was right and it all was just wishful thinking.My daddy decided that this year would be the first year that we have our first Christmas Eve Ball.I was so excited when he told me.We ate our breakfast and do what we do every year and that is put pink roses on mama's grave and say the prayer we always say.Before we left I told mama as I always do every year and that's how much I miss her and love her.Just as we were leaving I happen to look back and I see her blow a kiss to me and she said I love you and to take care of daddy.The next thing I knew she was gone.Daddy let me wear one of mama's ball gowns for the very first time and when he saw me in it he said that I looked just like my mama.After he told me that he began to cry.I look at my daddy and say please don't cry daddy and he said that the gown and the ball brought back so many wonderful memories of he and mama.The evening was magical because Zayne and I danced together all evening and he kissed me under the mistletoe and that is where he told me that he loved me and someday he was going to marry me.I told him that I loved him too and I would be honored to be his wife when we were old enough to get married.

I have just finished the second part in little Lacey's story so I hope you read it and enjoy it.The story of mother and daughter are very dear to my heart.Please vote and comment.Thank You

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