Lacey's Life and Journals ( 10 years old )

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Another year has come and gone.I'm ten years old today and I haven't said anything more to my daddy about seeing mama.Ever since my birthday last year I have seen mama from time to time and she always tells me that she loves and misses me.She said she wished that she didn't have to leave me when I was only three months old,but it was her time and nothing could change that.Mama also told me that she has also been watching over daddy and she wishes that he would start seeing Caroline because she knows that Caroline could make daddy happy again.I told her that I would tell him what she said.

Daddy can I talk to you for a moment it is really important to me?of course you know that you can talk to me about anything.Ok, here's the thing this past year I have been seeing mama quite a lot.What do you mean you've been seeing your mama?She's been coming to see me this past year and she told me that she wants you to start seeing Caroline.Baby I think that you were dreaming all this because you miss your mama and you would like to have one because you need a womans love and guidance.Daddy I have seen mama because I was wide awake when she comes to see me,maybe she'll come to see you and then you'll see for yourself that I truly did see my mama.

I truly love my daddy and I just wish that he would believe me when I told him that I saw mama.Lacey it's mama,I need to talk to you about your daddy.Ok.I know that he doesn't believe that you saw me,so after your party is over and everyone leaves I am going to appear before him and that way he will know that you were telling the truth all along.For now though you need to get showered and dressed.I did as mama asked me to do.I chose a purple sweater and jeans as well as a black pair of cowgirl boots.I decided to wear my hair down but curled with the sides pulled back and purple rhinestone barretts.I head downstairs to greet everyone and to thank them for coming


Everyone sits down to a dinner of seafood,boiled sweet corn and coleslaw.Of course my two best friends came,that would be Chey and Zayne.Caroline came and sat next to my daddy.I really love Caroline and I think she's beautiful,I wish daddy would see the beauty that she is and start dating her.I really love Caroline,I would like to have her as my new mama.Dinner was nice and afterwards the cake was brought out.It was beautiful as always,it was the usual four tiers covered in milk chocolate and a replica of our ranch on the top tier,and beautiful colored flowers on the lower tiers.I made a wish and blew the candles out and made my wish.After cake and ice cream I opened up my presents.Chey bought me a charm bracelet just like the one my mama had,it was so beautiful and some books about horses because she knows how much I love them. Zayne got me art supplies because I love to draw and paint,he also got me some horse figurines. It was a wonderful birthday.

The party came to an end around 8 PM and when everyone was leaving I thanked them for coming.Daddy wanted to see me because he hadn't given me my present from him.Ok Lace,I've been trying to think of something special to give you for your birthday present and I have had a hard time trying to come up with something.So I had this made for you.What is it,open it up and find out.It's very large,I have no idea what it could be.I tear off the wrapping paper and inside I see this portrait of a beautiful young woman and to my surprise I realize that it's my mama.She looked so beautiful,her hair was beautifully curled and she was wearing a beautiful ball gown.She just looked absolutely stunning and daddy was standing next to her with his arm around her waist and he was wearing a black suit.When was this picture taken daddy?It was taken a year before you were born.Thank you daddy this really means a lot to me.I would have to say that my birthday was a success.I'm going to go to bed now because I am really tired,ok darling.

After Lacey went up to bed I got me a nice cold beer and sat down to watch some tv and kick back and relax.I was tired from all the excitement so I sat down and just as I was about to fall asleep I heard someone call my name and I looked up and saw my beloved wife Lacey.I kept rubbing my eyes and she was still there.Lacey how is it possible that you are here?I'm here to help you watch over our daughter so that no harm comes to her.She told me that she saw you several times this past year but I thought that she was dreaming about seeing you.No my love she wasn't dreaming as you can see.How long will you be allowed to watch over our daughter?I don't know Nate,that isn't up to me,that's up to God.I love you and I miss you so much Lace.I will always love you to Nate,but it's time to let me go and move on with your life.I don't want you to be alone and Lacey needs a mother.Please do this for me Nate,it's time to release me.I looked up to say something to her but she was gone.


It's been three months since I last saw mama,but daddy told me that he saw her too.It's Christmas Eve and I don't know what daddy has planned yet.I do know that we will take mama's favorite pink roses and put them on her grave.I get dressed in a red and green oversized sweater with a picture of playful kittens on the front and a pair of red leggings and my favorite black suede knee high boots.I decided to ask daddy what was tonight's plans.I knock on his door and he tells me to come in.He was working on some paperwork when I entered.He says is everything ok?Yes daddy I was wondering what we were going to do for Christmas this year.What would you like to do?I think I would like to have a Christmas Eve Ball again this year like mama used to have.I think that is grand idea.

I think that I will see what I can find to wear for this special event.We can go into town and pick you up a gown when we go to put the roses on your mama's grave,ok.Should I call and find out who will be able to come to my Christmas Eve Ball?No you don't have to because I had a feeling that you would want to have a ball this year,so I already invited everyone.We went to the family moselium to place our flowers,we both said our prayers and I told mama that I loved her as I do every year even though I have seen mama a great deal this year.From the cemetery we went into town to find me a gown for our special holiday event.I looked through several different gowns and then I saw it,the most beautiful gown I have ever seen.It's a beautiful Christmas red satin with green chantilly lace overlay gown,I also got a pair of red patent shoes.

I'm home now because in two hours everyone will be arriving.I go to my room and decide to take a short nap.Wake up baby girl you have to get ready for your ball.Mama is that you?yes my darling it's me,you have to get ready sweetheart because you're guests will be arriving in about half an hour.I love you mama,I love you too baby.I go get my shower and get dressed for the Christmas Eve Ball.I decided to wear my hair in ringlet curls pulled into a ponytail.I went to see if daddy was ready and he was.He looked so handsome with his dark curly brown hair to his shoulders and his big blue eyes.He was wearing a black suit and a red shirt to match my gown.Shall we go greet our guests baby girl?yes I think that we should.We head downstairs and I see Caroline,she looked breathtaking,I never thought that I would see her like that.I don't know what's going on,why I am actually really noticing for the first time how beautiful she really is.Of course no one will ever be as beautiful as my Lacey but Caroline definitely would be my second choice.

Lacey goes to hang out with her friends,but I notice how Zayne is looking at her and she him.That is the same look that I and Lacey had when we knew that we loved each other.Well my little girl has found her true love.I ask Caroline to dance and she gladly accepts.I notice that she is wearing what is called a little black dress and I have to say is Wow she looks beautiful.Caroline has very thick pale blonde hair to her waist and the biggest pale blue eyes I have ever seen.Everyone danced for awhile and then we went into have our dinner and dessert.After dinner everyone exchanged gifts and they all left around midnight.I did notice that Zayne had kissed my little girl under the mistletoe more than once.I guess that Lacey and Zayne are going to be just like Lacey and myself were.I just can't get over how beautiful Caroline looked tonight,but I also can't get over feeling guilty about feeling that way.I just feel like I'm betraying Lacey,maybe someday I can get together with Caroline,but I'm just not ready yet.

Lacey's ten years old now and she and Zayne are starting to feel about each other the way her daddy and mama did at that age.It's history repeating itself,but Lacey didn't know what age her parents were when they fell in love.Thank you all for supporting me and reading my books,I really appreciate it.Please vote and comment.Tell me what you think about little Lacey and Zayne.

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