Lacey's Life and Journals ( 12 years old )

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Twelve years old today and I can't believe that I have been writing in my journals for the past four years.Every year brings new and wonderful things into my life.Just last year I found out that Aunt Rayna and Uncle Seth were going to have twins I thought that was wonderful.I still see mama but not as much.I guess daddy still sees her to.It's been hard growing up without a mama,but my daddy is the best in the world.My daddy has told me from the day I was born that he loves me and has always shown that love.I may have only one parent,but he shows me the love of two.I don't know what todays birthday will bring,but I know that it will be wonderful.

I hoped daddy would have asked Caroline to marry him last Christmas,but that didn't happen again.I just don't understand why he won't ask her.I know that he still loves mama and I do too but mama even told him herself  that she can't move on until he does.Since I can't have my real mama I would truly love Caroline as my new mama because she is so much like her from what everyone has told me.I just don't know what I can do or say to help him move forward.Time to get my shower and get dressed for today's events.Mama appeared before me as I was preparing to go into the shower.Hello my darling,happy birthday and may it be everything that you hope it to be.I see your daddy still hasn't moved on.I'm sorry mama,I told him to ask Caroline at Christmas but he didn't.I just don't know how to help him mama.

Lacey sweetheart,be patient with daddy he is having such a hard time of letting me go.You see your daddy and I had the kind of love that most people will never have in a lifetime and dream of having.We both have to make him understand that mama needs to move on.My time here has come and gone,all we have to do is make daddy understand that so he can begin his life anew and with someone else.I'm going to go talk to daddy and see if I can help him find closure.You go ahead and get ready for your birthday party.Always know my darling daughter that mama loves you so much and always will.I love you with all my heart and know that I will always be watching over you no matter where I am.I know mama,I love you to and always will.


For my birthday we just had a small party with family and friends.It was nice,first we had a barbecue in the back yard.After the barbecue we went into the house and had ice cream and cake.I opened all my presents and I received some wonderful gifts.We played games and daddy took us to see a movie and ice cream afterwards.This year Cheyenne gave me a gift card in the amount of $25 and a necklace with my birthstone and Zayne gave me a beautiful silver bracelet with both of our names engraved on it.Zayne also gave me a picture of me and him that was taken last Christmas Eve and the frame is like antique style.Everything went nice for my birthday,after everyone left daddy gave me his present as he does every year.So what did you get me this year I ask him?this year I got you your own golf cart to ride around the ranch on.It's pink trimmed in purple and I got you a pair of Yorkie puppies,one is female and the other a male.Oh daddy they're so cute,thank you for my puppies.You're welcome baby girl.Have you decided on a name yet?yes I'm going to call the little girl puppy Kandee and the little boy puppy Kane.Thank you daddy,your welcome baby but it's getting late and time for bed.I kissed daddy and took my puppies and went to bed.

I appear in Nate's bedroom just as he comes out of the shower.Hi Nate my love,how are you?I'm doing ok except that I miss you so much Lace.I know and I you,but you know as well as I that you have to set me free.I can't keep doing this,seeing you and our daughter every day and not be with you.I understand how hard this is my love,but you must release me and move on and make Caroline your new wife and Lacey's new mama.You have to promise me this time and keep that promise that you will move on with Caroline as your new wife.I need to rest in peace Nate,I need to be set free once and for all,I can't do this anymore.I can't keep seeing you and our daughter every day and not want to be with you.I'm begging you to please with all the love that you have in your heart for me to let me go.Take Caroline as your wife because I know that you love her as you once and still love me.Make Lacey and Caroline your life now because you deserve to be happy.

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