Lacey's Life and Journals ( 13 Years Old )

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Today is my thirteenth birthday,thirteen I can't believe it I'm starting my tween years My puppy Kandee is going to be a mama,Kane is the daddy,I'm so excited to see the new babies when they're born.As you know my daddy married Caroline last Christmas Eve and I was so happy to finally have a mama.Caroline has been great,we go shopping together at the mall,she let me buy a little bit of make-up nothing dark just soft earth tone colors and light colored lip glosses.I got me some bras as well because my boobs are big like my mama's were and Caroline said that it's time to cover them puppies.It's so strange because last year I was as flat as a board and this year I'm popping out all over the place.How strange is that?

I haven't seen mama since Christmas Eve of last year so I guess she really is gone I really miss her,but I'm glad that she was able to move on and finally find some peace.As I was saying Caroline (mama) is wonderful we do everything together and I love her with all my heart.She is really a great mama.Daddy and Caroline haven't had any babies yet,but hopefully soon.She and daddy are going to her gynecologist to see if she can even have babies.I know that God will bless mama with babies because she is such a kind loving person.As you know my Aunt Rayna and Uncle Seth had there twins,a boy and a girl which by the way are identical.They are beautiful babies and I just love them so much.My aunt and uncle make wonderful parents.

I don't know what daddy and mama have planned for my birthday,but I know that it will be something special being were a family now.I'll be back in a moment,I hear daddy and mama downstairs and they sound really excited about something.I go down to see what the excitement is all about and they told me that they want to talk to me in the family room because they have some exciting news to tell me.Daddy just can't seem to stop kissing mama and he keeps rubbing her belly.Ok daddy what's going on?we just got back from the gynecologist and he told us some wonderful news.What's this wonderful news?we just found out that Caroline is pregnant,we're going to have a baby.That is wonderful news,I'm finally going to be a big sister.I'm so happy for you and mama.I go over and hug and kiss both of them.

When is the baby due to be born?The baby is due on the 20th of June next year.That is wonderful,I can't wait to be a big sister.You're going to make the best big sister in the world.Now today is your special day,happy birthday sweetheart.This year for your birthday I've invited your best friend and of course your boyfriend Zayne and I thought that we could spend the day at the amusement park and eat junk food and go on all kinds of fun rides.What do you think?I love that idea,you know how much that I love the amusement park.Cheyenne and Zayne will be here in a half hour so go and get your shower and get dressed okay sweetheart?okay daddy will do.When are you going to give her,her birthday present?When she comes down from taking her shower,good idea.


I got my shower and dried off,wrapped myself and my hair in a towel and then brushed my teeth.I walk into my room and go to my closet and pick out my faded blue skinny jeans and my red v-neck t-shirt and of course my outfit wouldn't be complete without my red cowgirl boots.I sit down at my vanity and blow dry my hair.I decided to curl it with my curling iron and pull the sides back in a braid with a red ribbon running through it.I just decided to wear a little mascara and my cherry red lip gloss.If I may say so myself I look pretty nice.I go downstairs to wait for my guests arrival.Daddy and mama told me that they wanted to give me my present before my friends arrived.We would like for you to sit down Lacey so we can give you your birthday present.

Close your eyes and hold out your hands,okay.I was waiting with anticipation to see what my present was going to be when I felt this big wrapped box being put into my hands.Open your eyes sweetheart.I open my eyes and I see this beautifully wrapped present,the wrapping paper was of yellow roses all over it.You can open your present now,ok I will.I was so excited to see what was in the box but yet I didn't want to destroy the beautiful paper that I unwrapped with care so that I didn't rip it.As I proceeded unwrapping I pulled the top off of the box and squealed in delight when I saw what was inside.It was the leopard print faux fur mid calf coat with hood and matching gloves and boots that I asked for.I jumped up with the excitement of my wonderful gift and gave daddy and mama a big hug and kiss and told them how much I love them.

I picked my gift up off the floor in which I had dropped in all my excitement and I noticed a gift card box had dropped out of one of the pockets.Is this for me to I ask them and they both smiled and said yes.I opened the box and the gift card was for the amount of five-hundred dollars to my favorite clothes store called Nina' s Attic,to say the least I was thrilled beyond words.Thank you daddy and mama I love it.You're welcome sweetpea.I hear our doorbell ringing and I know that it is Cheyenne and Zayne so I go to let them in.They both hug and kiss me and tell me happy birthday at the same time.I couldn't help but giggle in delight.

Cheyenne handed me my present from her as did Zayne.What did your daddy and mama get you for your birthday Cheyenne asked me?you know how much that I wanted the leopard print faux fur coat and gloves with the matching boots for Christmas,they both say yes at the same time.I got it for my birthday instead.What does your daddy and mama have planned for your birthday?We're going to spend the day at the amusement park,that sounds like a lot of fun.Hi kids,my daddy says,hi Mr. Grenville they say in unison.Is everyone ready to go?as soon as we give Lace her present from each of us.I opened Cheyenne' s gift which was a twenty-five dollar gift card to Wal-Mart and then Zayne' s gift which was a beautiful pink velvet box and inside nestled in dark pink satin sat a beautiful ring,it was a pink teardrop stone surrounded by diamonds and it was so beautiful that it took my breath away.


He took the ring out and put it on my engagement finger and asked me if I would officially be his girl,I was so happy that tears were streaming down my face.Of course I said yes and then he kissed me.My daddy cleared his throat and said so you two are now officially going steady huh.I said if it's alright with you daddy,yes Lace it's alright because Zayne asked me weeks ago if he could buy this ring for your birthday and I said yes.You're alright with Zayne and I being in a relationship?yes I am because you're mama and I fell in love with each other when we were eight years old.That's right,I remember you telling me that.Ok,is every body ready to go to the amusement park?Yes,let's go then.We arrived at the park around ten of the am.I found out that my daddy rented the park for the whole day.Ok let's have some fun.We were having a great time and the rides were awesome.I told Zayne that I had to go to the bathroom and I would be back in about fifteen minutes,he kissed me and told me that he loved me and I told him that I loved him too.

Zayne where's Lacey?she went to the ladies room and said that she would be back in fifteen minutes.How long has it been since she left.It's been about ten minutes.I think that we'll wait here with you until Lacey comes out.We were waiting and waiting and it just seemed like forever.Why isn't she out yet?Nate let me go to the ladies room so that I can make sure that she's ok,thank you honey,you're welcome.The next thing that I know Caroline comes out of the ladies room screaming and crying.Caroline what's wrong,where's my daughter?I don't know,when I went in she was gone.There was no sign of her anywhere Nate.The only thing that I found was the ring that Zayne gave her for her birthday.We have to alert the police right away before whoever abducted my daughter gets away.


It's been three months since my daughter was taken from me and I am beside myself with worry for her well-being.I don't know what to do or even who to ask for help anymore.I did find out from the police that several other young girls are also missing.I've prayed and prayed for help but I don't think that anyone can help me.I feel this big hole in my heart and the only way heal my heart is to hold my precious Lacey in my arms again.I can't celebrate this holiday with so much pain in my heart.Sweetheart I know that Lacey will come back to us,I just know it.I know that someway women that our beautiful daughter will return to us.If you don't mind I think that I would like to be alone for a while,of course darling.Dear God in heaven please return my baby girl to me safely.Please do not let her to have suffered any kind of abuse I couldn't bare for my baby to go through anything like that.Please bring her back to me because without her I am lost.She is all I have left of her mother and losing her would surely kill me.

Thirteen years old is now complete.Please read,vote and comment.Thank you as always you are the best.I love you all.

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