Chapter 5

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"What no-" Leslie's face lit up at the picture in front of her.

Her son's arms wrapped around Maya's waist with his face tucked into her neck. Maya sighed happily and turned more into him. Laying her leg over his body.

"Ahhhhhh! Yesssss." Katy and Leslie jumped around.

"High five me girl!" Before their hands could connect they were interrupted by a small voice.

"Mom..Mrs. Friar? What are you doing?" Maya lazily rubbed her eyes, lightly pulling Lucas' arm off of her.

Which only resulted in his grip getting tighter.

"Go back to bed Pancake."

His opened his eyes to see Maya staring at him, and automatically his expression softened.

He smiled at her and kissed her cheek.

"AHHHHHHH!!!! YESS!" Leslie screamed jumping up and down with Maya's mom.

Lucas' head turned towards them quickly and pushes himself away from Maya. Forgetting it was a couch and landing on the floor with a thud.

"It's not what it looks like!" Lucas said getting off the floor rubbing his sweaty palms on his jeans.

"Honey you guys have known one another for years, like we care." Katy started laughing with Leslie as they made their way to the kitchen.

"Baby girl, take Lucas upstairs for the time being.. we'll call you when dinner is ready."

"Okay." Maya quickly grabbed Lucas' hand and walked to the stairs.

When Maya opened the door to her room.


Then they heard giggles escape both of their mom's mouths.

"Leslie, Don't give them any ideas."

Maya slammed the door closed after hearing the 40 year olds laughing.

Lucas laid on Maya's bed smirking up at her.

She looked at him with a glare,"Get that smirk off your face before I go over there and smack it off."

"Do it, I dare you." He winked and picked up her tv remote.

"Move your lard ass, I can't lay down with you in the middle."

He turned his attention away from the tv to give her a fake shocked look.

"Now that's just plain rude ma'am. And I'm not moving, I mean you could always lay on top of me."

"Wow, this is way different from the Lucas I was talking to a few hours ago."

"Why can't I act like this, you may have and always will be my best friend. But I'm not going to deny the attraction I have towards your body."

Maya sat on the edge of the bed, facing him.

"Just my body." she winked and got up to walk over to her dresser.

Lucas' gaze was stuck on her with a look of confusion.

She has never flirted back, and if she did. It usually led to a smack to his arm or face.

She bent down and picked up Her pajamas. "Lucas I need you to turn around and seriously don't peek. Bc if you do, I'll end you."

"What is I want to watch?"

Maya sent a glare his way.

If looks could kill..

He would be six feet under.

"I don't know, do you want me to find a shed and throw you in there?"

"I mean...if you come with me. I'm sure I can make that tiny space worth while."

"Lucas...just turn around."

Lucas threw his head back in annoyance and turned over in the bed. With his back facing her she began to take off her clothing items.

He slowly turned around, and watched as she slid the oversized gray T-shirt on. Which he was sure it was his. And pink shorts.

She looked up smirking,"You're very bad at following rules."

"It's one of my traits, and if I didn't know any better I'd say you're flirting with me."

"Well I say you don't know any better."

Lucas sat up off the bed and began making his way over to her.

She saw the flicker in his eyes and suddenly they were dark. Filled with lust. And something else she couldn't decipher.

He began to back her into the wall, pushing against her body. Looking deeply into her eyes.


Lucas' eyes widen as he realizes what he was doing. He rubs the back of his neck, looking at the floor.

Maya releases a breath that she didn't even know she was holding.

She looks up from the floor to see the slight blush on Lucas' face.

God he's so cute

"Welp, we better get going Huckleberry."

He looked up at her, meeting her gaze. And immediately his gaze softened, "Let's get going then Pancake."

She gave him a soft smile and watched as his lips turned up into a half smirk.

Which resulted into Maya walking away rolling her eyes.

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