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"P-please, Javier," I begged softly, praying I wouldn't feel myself being punched or slapped once again.

"Fucking be quiet, bitch. Do you want to be punched again?" He hissed in my ear, chuckled and stood up. He then yanked me up too, almost pulling my arm out of the socket. "Do you?"


"Speak properly when you speak to me!" I could see the cogs turning in his head and his blood was boiling. Javier turned to walk away, and for a split second I relaxed. Big mistake. He spun back around and his fist connected with my jaw, where the blood flowed immediately. "Clean yourself up and get out of my sight. Go." He shoved me towards the bathroom door and scoffed before slamming his bedroom door shut.

I didn't bother stopping the tears from flowing as I turned the tap on. My lip stung like a bitch as I tried to wipe the blood off of it, then I washed my hands. All this because I decided to wear some nail polish. The picture I'd posted on Instagram came with a caption: 'Gender doesn't determine who you are, and nor does anything like nail polish and stuff like that. Be proud of who you are.' My bruise was already showing. A reminder of how worthless I was.

Javier had obviously seen this picture and stormed into the living room, where he instantly had a go at me. He didn't even give me a chance to explain.

I shook my head and grabbed my beanie, making sure I hadn't left anything behind to piss off Javier. As I quietly closed the front door, I made sure I had my phone and keys to the flat and quickly headed home. Hopefully the boys weren't home right now.

"Rye? Mikey?" No answer. I sighed heavily, relieved nobody had to see me like this. I headed towards the living room and almost screamed. Rye was sleeping on the sofa and had left the TV on. I laughed quietly and switched it off. I had to cover this bruise quickly before Rye woke up or the boys came home.

"Fuck," I growled. The concealer I had was almost finished. I needed to buy more. The boys couldn't know anything about what I was going through. It wasn't worth it. I can fight my own battles. I grabbed my brush and headed into the bathroom, first cleaning the remaining blood. The music through my headphones flowing from my phone drowned out my troubles, and everything going on around me. Everything.

Something was poking my shoulder, and I felt around for a stray price tag or something. Nothing. I hadn't started applying the concealer. I continued feeling the poking and I groaned, turning around. What I saw behind me, this time, made me scream. Or rather, who was behind me.

"R-Rye..." I was lost for words as my best friend stared at me in shock.

"Andy, what happened to your face?" He continued to look concerned. "Why are you crying?"

I shook my head and looked down to the floor.

"Andy, look at me." Rye put a finger under my chin and I was forced to make eye contact. "Who hurt you?"

"I can't say," I whispered. "It's too dangerous."

"It's Javier, isn't it?"

I gasped and shook my head quickly. "He wouldn't do that." Despite saying this, I felt hot tears streaming down my face.

Rye sat me down on the edge of the bath and moved closer to me. "You can tell me, Andy. I'm your best friend." He wiped away the tears and stared into my eyes for a long while.

"I told you, Ryan. It wasn't Javier. But I can't tell you anything." Javier had made me swear on my mum's life that I wouldn't breathe a word about what he did to me. Nobody knew what he'd done a year and a half ago.

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