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A/N I feel like this song really relates to what's happened in the story recently, so listen to it whilst you're reading.

R.I.P Johannah and Félicité


3 weeks later

Jack, Brook and I decided we would make a little memorial in the garden of our brand new house. It felt too massive, to be completely honest, and so I asked my brother and Alex to move in with us. They agreed, and said they'd edit vlogs and stuff for us. I put a rose down every day, just sitting in silence for a good hour or so whilst the others were still asleep as the sun came up. I tilted my head up, feeling Andy smiling down from heaven.

"I miss you so much, little one. I hope you're proud of us. We're starting our tour soon. It feels so damn weird not doing it with the boy I wanted to be with forever. But I know you'd want us to move on." I sighed, feeling my phone buzz in my pocket. I saw it was Aiden, wanting to FaceTime.

"Hey," I smiled. He smiled back sleepily, and no wonder; it was half 7 in the morning.

"Morning. How's the memorial looking?"

I flipped the camera, and Aiden stared wistfully. "It's starting to get a little full with roses. I might make a flower bed of them soon. When are you coming down?" I asked.

"Not sure yet. I'll tell you when I do, though. How are the boys?"

"They're good. We're working on some new songs right now for the fans. Jacklyn's going strong, but Jack's mental health isn't at its best. I told Brook it might be good for them to see a therapist or something, but he hasn't gotten round to asking Jack yet."

"Oh, okay. I have to go now, but I'll talk to you later. Okay?"

I nodded, waving as Aiden hung up.

A few hours later

"Rye, what are we doing with the fan art and stuff?"

I joined Mikey in the spare room, a little baffled. We had so much fan art and things sent in; it was a wonder we'd managed to fit it all into two tiny flats.

The doorbell suddenly rang, and Mikey laughed. "A new wizard joining Hogwarts!"

I shook my head, chuckling as I went to the door. Shock washed over me as I was greeted by auburn hair and green eyes.

"Hey, Rye," he said softly.

"Aiden," I choked out, jumping into his arms. We both started crying, my legs hooked around the taller boy's waist. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, bub."

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise. Mikey and the others knew. They've been trying to keep you busy all day so you'd really be surprised."

"And a good job we all did, too," Mikey said, joining us at the door. He hugged Aiden, as did Jack and Brook.

"It's great to meet you, Aiden. Rye doesn't stop talking about you," Jack smirked, making me blush.

"I hope it's all nice things," Aiden laughed, kissing the top of my head.

"We'll leave you guys alone, then."

We went up to my room, and Aiden smiled at my castle bed. "You've done a really good job, Rye."


"You're quieter than usual. What's up?"

"I don't know. Something feels off. I can't figure out what it is or why I feel like that."

"Your phone's ringing," he nodded. I was puzzled, seeing a withheld number.


"Hello, am I speaking to Ryan Beaumont?"

"Yeah. Who is this?"

"It's DCI Gates (Completely made that up lmao). After we, um... found your friend, Andy, we obvious sent him through to an autopsy."

My heart dropped. Why hadn't I known this?

"And?" I pushed, not caring if I sounded desperate.

"It's not him. Just someone who looks very much alike to him."

A/N I'm sorry for leaving you on such a cliffhanger😁 Currently under a lot of emotional strain that's just affecting my writing, so don't be surprised if I don't upload next week for this story. Unlike this, JALBOYH has a few prewritten chapters which can be published continuously. Hope you enjoyed and sorry it's so short xx

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