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I woke up to the sound of my phone going off, groaning. Who the hell would be calling at 5am? I picked up, not bothering to check the caller ID.

"Hello?" I said, still half-asleep.

"Rye," I heard a soft voice whimper. No.

"Sammie? Where's Mum?"

"I, I don't know," he said, barely audible. "M-me and Shaun are hiding in our wardrobe. We heard a loud noise downstairs and Mum and Dad aren't here. I grabbed Mum's phone and ran back in here. Rye, I'm scared," Sammie cried softly.

"Don't cry, Sammie. You'll be okay. Me and Robbie will be there as soon as possible, okay? I need you to call the police. Can you do that? And don't move from where you are."

"O-okay," he replied.

"I love you guys. You'll be alright."

I hung up and jumped out of bed, shoving some clothes on whilst shouting for Robbie.

"Rob, wake up!" I yelled.

Mikey ran in to my room, clearly having been asleep.

"Rye, what is it?"

"The twins are in trouble. I need to get to them. Robbie, hurry the fuck up!"

Robbie ran in, already dressed. "What is it?"

I explained what was happening and he took my car keys. "Come on, then."

I told Mikey to update the boys and we got out to the car.

At the house

I ran up to the door, slamming it open. It was an absolute tip. The couches had been turned over, things moved out of place. It didn't seem like anything was missing, however.

"Sammie! Shaun?" I yelled, fearing whoever had been in here had taken them.

I heard police sirens in the far distance, wondering why on earth they'd taken longer than us.

Running upstairs, the twins stumbled out of their closet, running to me and Robbie whilst crying uncontrollably. I heard shuffling in my parents' room, putting a finger to my lips. I mouthed to Robbie to block the stairway, heading in with a bat.

"Whoever is in here, come out now!" I yelled. Shuffling came from behind me and I spun around to see them trying to make way for the door, tackling him to the ground. I twisted his arm around, pulling out the gun in his hand. I then yanked him up, pressing the barrel of the pistol under his chin, making him whimper. He tried to get up properly, only to be pinned back down to the floor by me sitting on top of him, my knees pressing down on his arms.

"Tell me who you are and who the fuck you work for," I growled, making him whimper again. I could've shot him right here if I wanted to, but knew it wouldn't be wise. "FUCKING TELL ME!"

"J-Javier, I work for Javier. My name is Kieran."

"Where are my parents? Do you realise what you've done to these kids? Kids! Where are my parents, damn it?"

"In that cupboard! They're unconscious," he said hurriedly.

"Rob, open it. Where are the fucking police?"

"S-shall I go see if they're here?" Shaun asked. I nodded and gave him a warm smile, watching him take Sammie's hand. "We'll be alright, Sam."

God, I loved them so much. For 12 year olds, they were so wise and mature when they needed to be.

Robbie woke Mum and Dad up as the police came up the stairs, and they noticed me on the floor.

"Baby, are you okay?" Mum asked, checking the twins over. They hugged her and Dad as Kieran was handcuffed.

"Just a sec," I said to the police. "You're gonna pay, and so is he. You're going to help me find him, and Lord help me if you're as useless as Jordan. Understand?"

He nodded, and I let the police take him away.

"I'm gonna get DCI Gates this info, too," I said to Robbie, letting my mum hug me tightly.

"I'm glad you're okay, my baby boy," she said quietly.

"The good thing is that you guys are safe, not me. Don't worry about me, Mum," I smiled.

"Are you guys going to stay for a while?" Dad asked.

"I guess we can stay for a few hours, but we're trying to fit back into a schedule. Now that Andy's back, we can start trying to get back into the studio. It's just a matter of waiting for him to wake up." I dropped my head.

"Speaking of, how is he? Is he getting better?"

"I don't even know," I replied. "They're saying he is, but everything just seems to stay the same."

"Be hopeful, Rye," Shaun said, hugging my waist. I picked him up and just buried my face in his shoulder, so grateful I had my family's support every step of the way.


"Can we go the hospital? I haven't seem Andy since yesterday afternoon," I said to Robbie, and he nodded, driving into the hospital car park. I let Robbie go into the room first, just talking to Niamh for a while.

"Do you think you can estimate when Andy's going to wake up? He doesn't seem to be getting better or worse."

"I'd say about a month, but that's only assuming his health doesn't fluctuate or only gets a lot better, which doesn't seem highly likely right now."

"Uh, Rye?"

I joined Robbie, who was holding a piece of paper beside Andy. I took it from him; it was a note.


I see you've run into Kieran. Assuming you've been gone long enough, I managed to sneak in here and place this note. Don't try and find me. Things will only end badly.

Andy made a stupid mistake of trusting that I'd change. I haven't. And unless you stop trying to find me, this won't end well. I can tell you that much. Hope you actually listen to what I say, and I'll see you never.

Javier x

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