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This isn't really going to be part of the storyline, but more of an insight into Jacklyn's relationship along with Jack's growing mental health issues. I really felt like the song above fitted with the concept of the chapter, so enjoy xx


"Jack, baby. Are you ready?"

I stood in the doorway of my boyfriend's room as he yanked yet another shirt off, groaning.

"They all look so weird on me," he huffed. I picked up a striped t-shirt and handed it to him, reaching up and kissing his cheek.

"Wear this."

"I don't want people to notice my cuts," he said sadly.

"You can always wear a jacket over it. Listen to me, darling. If people judge you, they have nothing better to do with their lives and focus on mistakes others have made rather than themselves. You're human, and you have your imperfections, just like everyone else."

Jack dropped his head. "What did I do to deserve someone as incredible as you?" He laughed and tipped my chin up, connecting our lips. This was the happiest he'd been in a long while, and I had missed it so much more than I realised.

"I love you so much, Jack," I whispered, wiping away his tears.

"I love you too, Brooklyn."

"Come on. We don't want to be late."

Jack had finally agreed to go to the therapist with me, only going if I promised to not leave his side. Two fans ran up and Jack subconsciously pulled his jacket sleeves over his hands. I took his hand, rubbing the back with my thumb.

"Hi, guys! Where are you going?"

I felt Jack squeeze my hand, knowing what he meant.

"We can't really say, girls. Sorry. Come on, babe," I said to Jack. He smiled at them before tugging me away. We waited until they turned a corner before going into the clinic, Jack's hood up.

"You think anyone saw us?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Even if they did, Jack, they have no right to judge. Okay?"


"I think I want to tell the Roadies, just to avoid questions. We'll just say that we're not going to discuss it," Jack said to me.

"You wanna do it now? Only if you're ready," I said reassuringly.

"I'm ready. Let's go live," Jack nodded. We got set up and I squeezed his hand comfortingly.

"I'm right here," I whispered.

Jack managed to explain everything, even his self-harm. Obviously he didn't show them, but he assured everyone he'd be okay as long as he took his meds. I watched the comments flooding in, smiling at the amount of support they were all giving. Jack teared up a little, saying he was overwhelmed by happiness.

"There's something I want to explain to everyone watching this, and I hope it gets screen recorded and shared around. What some of you guys don't understand is that us boys are humans with emotions, and we can tend to fuck up. There could be some controversy but you guys need to know that it'll be normal, because we're normal. There will be days where we feel at our lowest point, and opening up to you guys is hard. Although it strengthens the connection with our fans going through stuff, it's hard to talk about when there's such a personal aspect to it. Especially given what's happened in the last few months, the boys may agree with this. We have hit rock bottom right now. And it may take a little while to get back on top," I finished. We ended the live.ly a little while later and Jack was still smiling.

"Some of our fans are really the best," he said. I nodded, and we lay on his bed, cuddling under the covers. Jack yawned and rubbed his eyes, making me laugh.

"Go to sleep. I'm right here," I smiled. His eyes fluttered closed and soft snores filled the room, making me fall asleep too.

A few hours later

I woke up feeling alone, Jack's body underneath me missing. Sitting up, I looked around the room and saw my boyfriend on the floor, staring at his phone whilst crying.

"Jack, baby, what is it?"

I made my way over and took his phone, reading what was on the screen. Hate comment, after hate comment.

"What they're saying is all bullshit, love."

"It's all the truth," Jack replied shakily. I sighed and turned his phone off, placing it down. I helped him back over to the bed and he fell into my arms, breaking down.

"You are a million times better than whatever those stupid people are saying, Jack. You are and always will be better. Letting them get to you is giving them an advantage to fire at you, because they target people when they're not strong. And you can't let them do that to you. I'll make sure of it."

"I'm sorry for being such a pain in the ass," he sniffed.

"You are not a pain in the ass. You're my crazy Jonk, and nobody will replace you," I said, making him giggle.

"You wanna stay here and cuddle or go out and do something?"

"Cuddle," Jack replied, yawning.

Jack pulled me down so my head was resting on his chest as his lips were pressed to my forehead. I was usually the comforting one, but this was nice. It felt familiar, and safe, and it was just the two of us.

"I love you, Brook," Jack whispered.

"I love you too, Jack. Never forget that."

With that, we fell asleep within minutes.

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