03 | the first friend

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As the Great Hall cleared out, I faltered back and leaned against my table, never breaking eye contact with the handsome Durmstrang across the room.

A clasp on my shoulder finally breaks our trance. I look up to find Thomas with his eyebrow perked up.

"Aren't you coming back into the carriage?"

"Yes, I'll be there in just a moment. Go on without me." Then I found my way back to Jeremy, who was now also convincing his friend to allow him to stay.

"He's quite dashing, isn't he?" Thomas commented on Jeremy's appearance.

I scoffed, "Yes, I've noticed."

He gave me a small pat on the back before beginning to make his way out. "Have fun, don't get caught sneaking back."

"I never do," I replied, sending him off with a sarcastic air kiss.

"I never got your name," the familiar voice of a cute Bulgarian boy made it hard to turn and face him, knowing that if I did I might just have to kiss him right there.

"It's Serena," I started, slowly twirling on my toes to face his gorgeous face. "Serena Verdier."

He smirked down at me, his hand extended and waiting for mine. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Verdier." I placed my palm in his and he bowed to place a light kiss on my hand.

His posture straightened, the smirk still plastered on his face. "I'm Jeremy Borisov."

I simply smiled, following his lead as he started exiting the room. "How'd you find the first night at Hogwarts?"

"Quite boring," he shrugged. "The castle is beautiful but not exciting."

"Is Durmstrang exciting?"

"I like to think so, but it's refreshing to be far from that place."

I murmured "tell me about it," under my breath.

"It's also great to finally meet muggle borns."

My eyes shot up to his as we continued walking, "What do you mean, finally?"

He ran a hand through his hair, slightly laughing. "Durmstrang doesn't allow muggle borns. We're supposed to be very prejudiced."

"I never knew that," I sighed, thinking of all the wizards and witches that might've applied but got rejected because of their ancestry.

"It's stupid. I don't think your blood should determine your worth." He seemed very sad about the topic, but his belief only made me admire him even more.

"That's a great mindset," I grinned. "If only everyone thought that way."

Then it was a peaceful silence. The sound of waves rocking the Durmstrang boat, and the distant voice of thousands of students filled the night with life.

"What year are you in?" Jeremy stops as we reach the location of the Beauxbatons house.

"Fourth, how about you?"

"Fifth," he smiled briefly, before awkwardly looking down. I could tell he didn't know how to end this small rendez-vous.

"It was really nice meeting you," I broke the silence.

He flustered, "Maybe we could talk more."

I began backing away to the door, "I'd like that very much," I said with an open smile.

As I turned to twist the doorknob, he called out to me. "Goodnight, Serena!"

I slowly walked inside, holding open the door slightly so I could still manage to wave him goodbye.

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