Chapter 2: First Day

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The next day

Kyle's P.O.V.

It was my first day to attend Regal Academy, since, you know my aunt took me away, when I looked at my clock I was shocked that it was still 5 in the morning.

Kyle: That's wierd I never wake up this early.

I said to myself, since I got nothing else to do, I went to the bathroom and took a bath, then changed into my uniform, I decided to wake Rose up since she is always late.

I went to her room, lucky for me it was just across my room, I knocked on her door, but, no answer, I assumed she was just sleeping.

When I went into her room, I was right she was still sleeping, I smiled, then I went close to her and started waking her up.

Kyle: Rose wake up, you don't wanna be late again, do you?

I said that while shaking her gently, when I stopped I saw her eyes slowly opening, I smiled knowing that she actually  listens to me.

Rose: *yawn* Kyle what are you doing here?

Kyle: To wake you up, silly

I said while rubbing her head, whicn made her groan in response.

Rose: What time is it?

Kyle: Its 5:30 in the morning.

Rose: WHAT?!

When I told Rose what time it was she immediately screamed. I covered her mouth so she wouldn't wake up granny and mom, she took my hand off her mouth and said.

Rose: Why in the world wold you wake me up 5:30 in the morning???

Kyle: Well I know that you're always late for school, so I thought if I'll  wake you up early you wouldn't be late aymore.

I said smiling, which she returned with a smile.

Rose: Thats really sweet of you, but, can I please sleep for a few more minutes?

I shook my head and said no.

Rose: But-

Kyle: No buts, go to your bathroom and take a bath.

I said while smirking mischievously at her, which she returned with a groan, I chuckled while she just rolled her eyes.

Kyle: now come on , take a bath and change into your uniform so we can eat and go to school early.

I said while pushing her, and she fell with a loud thud.

Rose: Was that really necessary? I would have gotten out of my bed myself

Kyle: will you though? Will you?

[ time skip ]

At Regal Academy

                Rose's P.O.V.

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