Chapter 4: A Nightmare and A lullaby

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<Night time at Snow White castle>

Hawk's P.O.V.

I was in my room getting ready for bed, while thinking of something or someone.

I shrugged it off and went to sleep, I was having a normal dream then something strange happened.

< In Hawk's dream >

I was walking around Sunflower meadow, then I saw a girl she had long flowing hair she looked very familiar.

When I got closer to her I was shocked to see who it was, it was my long lost sister Fala.

Hawk: Fala!!!

I yelled on top of my lungs, but, when she turned around she was really sad about something.

Hawk: Fala, is everything alright?

Fala: No everything is not alright.

Hawk: why what's the problem?

Fala: There's another villain.

Hawk: wait, what? Who?

Fala: I don't exactly know who, I just know who he is looking for.

Hawk: who?

Fala: The Cinderella twins

When Fala said the Cinderella twins I started to worry,  especially for the girl that I love dearly.

Hawk: Rose and Kyle

Fala: Yes and he is after their magic, the strongest magic that ever existed in the history of fairy tales.

Hawk: what is it?

Fala:  The Cinderella magic.

Hawk: Cinderella magic?

Fala: Yes.

Hawk: what's that?

Fala: The Cinderella magic is the most powerful magic.

Hawk: why is that??

Fala: Beacuse it can control all kinds of magic, Snow magic, tower magic, frog magic, furry magic, fan magic amd so much more.

Hawk: well if that's the case, we need to do something.

Fala: I can't do anything Hawk, but you can you have to protect Rose.

Hawk: what do you mean you can't do anything?

Fala: I'm still a prisoner of the Snow Queen.

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