Special chapter [ part 1 ]

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At Cinderella castle

With Hawk and Rose

Rose: I'm so super excited for the special chapter.

Hawk: aren't you always excited?

Rose: yes, but this time we get to meet the author, but shouldn't she be her by now?

Someone pops up behind them, which almost gave them a heart attack.

Me: hey, huys!!

Rose: OMG you're the author of this book, right?

Me: that, I am, but you can call me Mae, by the way get the others, we're about to play.

They nodded and went to their dragons to find their friends, while I'm sitting on Rose's bed.

[ time skip ]

Rose: we're here!

Me: finally, you made it did you bring Crystal and Kyle?

Rose: yup, you did say 'get all your friends', right??

Me: yup, and by the way does anyone has a bottle?

Travis: you're the author just make one.

Me: Oh, right, how stupid.

I snapped my fingers and a bottle fell on Travis' head.

Travis: what was that for?!

Me: still trying to control my powers.

Kyle: ok, enough with the fighting, hey, author can we start now??

Me: yes, yes we can, and you can call me, Mae.

Astoria: ok enough with the introductions, can we start the game?

Me: fine, everyone sit in a circle, beacuse we are going to play truth or dare.

Travis: oh, come on!!

Rose: spectacular idea, Mae.

Me: thanks, now I know that you fairy tale people doesn't know how to play truth or dare, so I will explain, when someone asks you truth or dare you have to pick one of them.

Rose: if you answer truth you have to answer the question truthfully; and

Travis: if you answer dare you have to do what they tell you.

Me: ok everyone understand?

All of them nodded ( except for Kyle, Rose and Travis).

Me: let's see, who will this bottle choose?

The bottle landed on Travis, which made me smirk.

Me: Travis, truth or dare?

Travis: I know I'm gonna regret this but I choose dare.

Me: ok I dare you to kiss  Ling Ling on the lips.

Travis walked up to Ling Ling and kissed her on the lips, he kissed her for one minute, they broke the kiss blushing like red tomatoes.

Travis took the bottle and spun it around, and it landed on Kyle.

Travis: Kyle truth or dare?

Kyle: as much as I love challenges I'm going with truth.

Travis: okay tell us who is your crush.

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