Chapter 3: The Unexpected

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The next day

                 Rose's P.O.V.

I woke up earlier than usual, don't know why, but, somethings bothering me, since I couldn't sleep anymore, I just went to my bathroom and took a bath.

After I took a bath, I went to the kitchen and cooked 2 eggs and 4 bacons, after I was done cooking I went up to Kyle's room.

When I reached Kyle's bedroom, I knocked at his door, then I heard someone say.

Kyle: come in!

I opened the door to see Kyle in his uniform.

Rose: Good morning big brother.

Kyle: Morning lil' sis

Rose: good thing you're up so we can eat breakfat.

Kyle: you made breakfast?

Rose: yes, yes I did.

Me and Kyle went down stairs and ate our breakfast, after we ate our breakfast, we took our bags and went to Regal academy.

On our way to Regal academy, we saw a blue haired prince walking and headed to Regal Academy, as soon as me and Kyle went up closer, we saw his face and was shocked to see that it was, the one and only Hawk Snow White.

Rose: Good morning Hawk.

Kyle: morning.

Hawk: Good morning guys.

Rose: Do you alwys go to school this early??

Hawk: nope, not really, why do you ask?

Rose: no reason, anyway wanna walk to school with us?

Hawk: I would love to.

Kyle: Ok, enough chit-chat lets go to school befor we're late.

Rose: Kyle its still 6:30 in the morning.

[ time skip to Regal Academy ]

At the hangout

The three of us were walking trough the hallways of Regal Academy headed to the garden waiting for the others to arrive.      
                  Hawk's P.O.V.

Me, Rose, and Kyle were waiting for the others, not long after we saw Astoria and Crystal heading towards us.

Astoria: morning guys!

Crystal: good morning!

Hawk:  morning!

Rose: hey guys!

Kyle: morning!

Astoria: how long have you guys been waiting?

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