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It was a bright Sunday in the middle of Spring season. The sun proudly gleamed, clouds soared high up the blue sky, and flowers bloomed at every spots on soil.

As his hands worked on wiping the kitchen counter, Seungkwan hummed to a lullaby he always sang to put Seion to sleep, a music with a melodic tune that sparked interest deep in his heart.


Seion is their second child together, a child they vowed to raise with the purest love to ever exist on earth and treat him with the gentlest care. A child they ought to be with together, someone delivered to this planet to give the two lovers the small happy family they truly deserved.

Chwe Seion.

A precious gem that came to their lives and born to make their bond stronger and bolder, a golden treasure brought to the world to strengthen their everlasting relationship.

Chwe Seion, born to Boo-Chwe Seungkwan and Chwe Hansol.

Once a seed inside a womb that almost brought the mother to a critical condition, worst death, now a delightful boy, the dearest human elixir towards the two and an everytime happy pill to his workaholic parents. He's the rescue to a jagged puzzle piece that once represented his family, completing the whole piece easily with just his existence alone.

Seion was a small cute bean in everyone's eyes, almost the size of a normal dining table, always healthy and immune to diseases (Seungkwan is sort of a vegan for he was raised in an island, and which vegan doesn't feed their children fresh stuffs the nature bore?). So far, the juvenile boy never stepped foot in a hospital, not even experiencing a simple pain let alone a serious illness at such a young age.


If ever Seion got confined in one during his lifetime, Hansol would loath it so much. People dearest to him had been confined at hospitals; first was Seungkwan for giving a new life, second was Verselle upon her torturous death bed, and not to forget Hansol himself, having to go through a week-long rehabilitation.

Chwe Seion, biological sister to Verselle Chwe, whom he never met.

Unlike the older child, the married couple promised to watch an eye over him at all times and make sure nothing bad happens. Seungkwan was definitely glad that so far there was no devastating curses connected to Seion, their only last hope of growing a healthy root throughout their family.

Unless another lie has to be repeated, opening the attic is a beware. Surely, Seungkwan had instructed Seion that, considering the fact that they hid the silicone doll there and it's where Verselle's soul lies. After the poor adult was haunted so excruciatingly by his own daughter whose whole life he missed (and of course he regrets it, there was zero time he met their first), Hansol apologized to her by visiting her grave, and spent the next hours moping at the stony ground. Seungkwan had to drag him home after by using his favorite snack as a bait (and it unexpectedly work).

So far, they were satisfied. Finally, the world was with them. At last, the universe had granted them their one and only wish; a family with no broken patches, staying together till their last breathes.

As Seungkwan threw the wiping towel to a kitchen rod near the sink and hung it there, he let out a huff and drenched his hands wet after opening the faucet of the sink. While hearing the sound of water running, the sound of joyful laughter and cheers made its way to his ears too.

Peering over to the window as he brushed his hands using a dry towel and let it absorb the liquid soaking his skin, his eyes were met with a delightful sight. Hansol and Seion were playing baseball on the backyard, with the father as the catcher and the young man as the pitcher.

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