Kittens and Jason starts acting like a mother

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Hazel Levusque has updated her status: I turned Nico and Eria into kittens and I can't turn them back into humans HELP

Jason Grace: YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! HAZEL!!!!!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU

Frank Zhang: Jason calm down they didn't die or anything

Hazel Levusque: I also made them forget they where ever human too they are cats and I cant get them to be still so I can turn them back into humans I'll lock them in the hypnos cabin for an hour and get them out later and then I'll turn them back to normal

One Hour Later

Erica: What happened Hhhhhhaaaazzzzeeeeeelllllll? What did you do? ebhtuoimviop

Nico Di Angelo: um Hazel? did you turn Erica ito a cat? hfugiqa;nb

Jason Grace: Um Hazel what did you do?

Hazel Levesque: Nothing Jason now go train

Jason Grace: I'm pretty sure you did something vfhibonuixtdu

Leo 'smokin' Valdez:Hazel? what happened here I left bunker nine to see Three adorable kittens next to a tree what did you do Hazel tell me please tell me bgy7uo9/b]1v] huvh yugv mymk

Hazel: Muahahahahahahah

Percy Jackson: Annabeth Piper Frank what's up with Hazel an I need to find those kittens before the Aphrodite cabin does

Drew: We will find them we will. Wait there are four of them? Erica, Nico, Jason, and Leo?

Percy Jackson: we need to find them

Piper McLean: we'll find them hopefully they can shadow travel when they are kittens

Hazel Levusque: well where are Nico, Jason, Leo, and Erica

Piper McLean: you turned them all into kittens

Hazel Levusque: wait what, I did?

Frank Zhang: yah you did

Hazel Levesque: well we have to find them

Jason's PoV

Well this is great. I'm a cat and Leo, Erica and Nico are kittens. Well I can't keep track of them. They keep running off. arg "ERICA, LEO, NICO GET YOUR BUTTS OVER HERE" they ran right over to me. "Erica, Nico can you shadow travel us to where you where last night?" We appeared in a small cabin "where are we?" I asked her. "In the treehouse" she replied. We need to get back to normal. We- we need to get to Hazel so she can change us back ... I need to protect my kits from harm. No we need to become human again. Agh my head it hurts like Hades. Think Jason think what do we do. I - I need to protect the kits. Jason think I've been in this form for to long. Leo an Nico have already forgotten that they where ever humans. "Erica you ok? has this form taken over your mind yet?" "no not yet it's like you are trying to stay awake during a boring lecture after you ran a marathon." she shook her head. I need to help my kit. No Jason, Jason you where turned into a cat by Hazel. Think about Piper that will help. I-I need to protect my kits we need to get out of here an hunt we need food soon. "Erica we need to get food and to get out of here" "JASON! SNAP! OUT! OF! IT! REMEMBER!" she meowed at me. Think Jason think oh now I remember Hazel turned us into cats "shadow travel us to the Poseidon cabin we appeared in the Poseidon cabin everyone else was there "HEY OVER HERE" I meowed. They all turned to us I was so happy I forgot to resist the animal instincts. I ran to Piper and curled up and fell asleep with her petting my head. I saw my kits. Erica and Nico where curled up on Hazel. Leo was with me. My little kits I gave Leo a bath. He was complaining a lot, kits. I fell asleep I woke up an my kits where gone where are my kits. Oh I found them sitting in the corner huddled together in fear. I bolted to them stood in front of them. And hissed at anyone who came near them. Piper came too close. I bit her she backed up I don't know what she said but there was another cat that walked up to us I hissed "you won't hurt my kits." "Jason calm down you've been in that form for way to long." "What do you mean by form." Ow my head, my kits ran over to me. Erica pinned the cat to the ground. She hissed "tell the others that Jason, Nico and Leo forgot they where humans go now" he white mist surrounded us and we all appeared in a bright cage with lights on the inside. The cage started moving. great we appeared in a cabin it made you tired after a few minutes the lights in the cage went off "Nico, Erica Shadow travel us out of here" "too tired" they all said. Grr

Erica's PoV

They are all idiots. If someone turns you into an animal with the mis and you're in that form for too long and then you fall asleep you become that animal you will be a cat or dog completely you won't be able to turn them back we need to get out of the cabin I shadow traveled to my little treehouse. I shadow traveled to the Poseidon cabin I nudged Frank's leg he turns back into a cat I say "tell Hazel that you can't put them in the Hypnos cabin after being in this form for so long she has to turn us back while where awake now go I'll get the others go tel Hazel now!" I got everyone back into the Poseidon cabin it hurt like Hades when she turned us back Jason said "uh what happened? Wait where are the kits?" "Jason when you where a cat the form fade you think you where a mother cat and Leo, Nico and I where your kits" "Hazel never ever do that to us again"

Jason's PoV

I heard meows from where Nico and Erica where standing there where two cats "Hazel!!!!! what was that for why did you do that and we ran after those kittens when we finally got to them Drew was there already "aww your too late to save your little kitties. it was great I charm spoke Hazel into turning these two into kittens there already too tired to resist the animal instincts so there just kittens" and something terrifying happened Erica was changing she was growing to about the size of Ms. OLeary and growing large fangs she ripped out Drew's throat then she grabbed Nico and ran off into the woods "Umm what just happened?" said Leo "umm I think we learned to never threaten Erica or any of her friends. and that Erica is good to have as a friend and bad as an enemy" Ella and Jaron where walking into the woods an we heard a scream we ran towards it and when we got there we saw Nico unconscious (not a cat) and Erica (still whatever she is) dragging him away Jaron and Ella stood there terrified we told them what happened they looked terrified

Erica's PoV

I need to get out of here I just killed Drew it felt good killing that jerk but I know I shouldn't have done it now I'm dragging Nico's unconscious body through the woods that doesn't look that good a giant black cat with huge fangs that killed a camper dragging the Ghost King away into the woods I shadow traveled to the treehouse I set him on the bed and fell asleep I woke up to see Nico pointing his sword at me "who and what are you and what did you do with Erica" I changed back into myself "sorry?" I said "Well I killed Drew and I really don't feel bad about it"

Jason Grace has updated his status: I really don't think Erica is feeling very guilty about killing Drew well nobody would really feel bad about that

Aphrodite: what someone killed Drew WHO DID THAT

Erica: well I did when I was a large cat


Erica: Aphrodite just go and hang around with Ares

Aphrodite: grr



Piper McLean: why is your name in all caps




Jason Grace: Dakota

Dakota: hahhaahahaahhahahahhahahhah






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