Think Like Poe

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Another literature piece. "Write your own stanza that would fit into The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe."


…“Take thy beak from out my heart and take thy form from off my door!”

Quoth the Raven, “Nevermore.”

Then my hands took up sovereignity, each finger a weapon of dark extremity

as they locked around the stately feathers of a bird never felt before.

I saw my fingers through the feathers;--the way the rain shatters weathers

Sent above from Gabriel’s tethers of a radiance not meant for I before;

From the silken perfect tethers linking my soul to a  tenderness only known before

By the silken perfect whispered name of my darling, my Lenore.

I cursed the bird, having escaped me, then angered, time displaced me,

As all my fears had since reshaped me – trouble’s spent and trouble’s knew me

The way the pallid bust of Pallas would shatter ‘pon the floor.

And the bird’s damned beak parted yet before the sound upstarted I found my heartache bleeding and my lips were shrieking--

“Nevermore!” I cried, “O, Nevermore!

Take thy beak from out my heart and take my soul from out my chest!

Nevermore shall my heartbroken body rest, Nevermore, I implore,

Only return her to this earth, the rare and radiant maiden, the lost Lenore.”

And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting,

On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door…

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