chapter four

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" Sure" she said and sat down on the other side  from me " So sookie do you have any bothers or sisters ?" I ask "Um yes a brother named jason and my adopted little sis  " she said huh "What about your mom and dad child "I said " Um well they are dead they were killed in a car crash so it's me and jason and my grandmother and my adopted little sis " she said without thinking I grab her hand and kiss it " I'm sorry about your mom and dad child how's your grandmother ?" I ask she blush and held my hand back "She's good and thank you but I wanted to ask how old are you ?" she ask "Around 5000 years old and could I meet your grandmother sometime ?" I ask "How about now then because she's awake now still then ?" she ask  " Sure child and is it okay that I ride with you " I said "Yep it's fine just pay and we can leave " she said I paid and went outside and she came out " Well come on now " she said she lead me to her car " Man I love this car come on get in godric " she said I got in and we left we pulled up to a old house wow it's cute "Well come on " she said and went in " can you invite me in please sookie " I said "Oh sure godric please come in ?" she ask "Thank you child" I said as I step in  the house " Sookie is that you hun ?" I heard older women said  " Yes it is and my friend"She said "Who is it hun is it tara ?" the older lady ask "No gran it's the vampire I told you about now come in godric and meet gran " sookie said I went in and saw sookie hugging a older women " Hi child my name godric northmen " I said " Oh honey please don't call me child just gran will be fine " gran said with a warm smile " Okay sorry it's my age " I said "Well how old are you ?" gran ask I look at sookie she nod her head as a yes okay "I'm 5000 years old gran "I said wow "Well hun you are old and i'm going to bed night" gran said and left "Do you want me to leave?" i ask sookie "No could you come to my room with me and help me sleep please" she ask she look scared "Okay "I said she lead me up the stairs  to her room when we got there was a coffin why was that there "My friend tara is vampire she stayed well she was in a fight with pam your child eric's child pam's is tara maker that's why it's here " sookie said  "Oh do you want me to want me to wait outside so you can get ready for bed?" I ask "No I will go to the bathroom " she said and left to the bathroom then she came out a few seconds later in a night gown wow she look cute and she went over to her bed got under the covers "come on " okay do you want me to go home after you are asleep ?" I ask "No eric made himself a bedroom in the closet or that coffin just don't leave " She said "Okay child " I said I went over to her and laid beside her then without thinking  I pulled her into my chest  " Sorry but do you have bad dreams child and  why do you?" I ask "It's my pass with my ex and eric and the fairys and stuff " she said "Okay go to sleep child and isabel loves your brother " I said "Okay how does she know him ?" she ask " He know her she met him when you were with bill and fell for jason do you think thar he will go for her ?" I ask  " Yes If we set them up and why are you here  are you using me " she said "No i'm not nor will ever don't ever think that I know you like me "I said "Huh why would I like you ?" she ask " You do you like me good " I said and kissed her on the forhead  " Okay you are right I like you "she said blushing " i'm going to the bedroom in the closet okay and if your ex come just just call me okay huh " I said and kiss her lips like a peck and got up and went to eric's bedroom.

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