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Author's P.O.V
"GIRLS GET UP!" Jisso yelled throughout the dorm. Everyone was still sleeping. Jisso grabbed some pots from the kitchen and went upstairs banging them. "GET UP! WE HAVE A MEETING!" Everyone started slowly shuffling downstairs. "When was this meeting?" Lisa asked while laying her head on the table. "In 10 minutes today" Jisso stared blankly at them. They all shot up like a bullet and started running around grabbing their stuff. It actually started in an hour but Jisso figured they had to get moving because she wanted to go to a cafe for breakfast
"UNNIE GET UP YOU HAVE TO LEAVE" Soo Ri's sister Yoo Na, came walking into the room, her cat tail swishing behind her. "Get out.." Soo Ri mumbled curling up further into the blankets. "Unnie...You have to go to the entertainment you're meeting the members today!" Yoo Na said while pouting. Soo Ri's Black Fox ears popped out from under the blankets. She eventually crawled out of the bed and her nose started twitching. "Is Min Seok making breakfast?" Soo Ri looked at her sister still standing in the doorway. She nodded and smiled before skipping downstairs. Soo Ri shook her head and smiled to herself.

 Soo Ri shook her head and smiled to herself

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Outfit ^^

Hair^^ (You can choose if you want the flowers or not)

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Hair^^ (You can choose if you want the flowers or not)

Soo Ri went downstairs and quickly ate the food on the table. She quickly mumbled something to make her ears and tail disappear. "Bye Unnie!" Yoo Na hugged her older sister. "Have fun Sis" Min Seok hugged his younger sister. She waved at them. "I'll go to a cafe for a drink before I head to YG" Soo Ri mumbled to herself.
"Unnie why did you say we had 10 minutes?!" Lisa whined at Jisso. "You girls wouldn't get up otherwise plus I found a cafe for breakfast I wanted to try" Jisso smiled at them. The girls soon arrived at the front of the cafe and got behind another girl. Who had braided hair and was wearing jeans. "Soo Ri! How are you?" The girl at the counter smiled at the girl in front of them. "Im Good Min Young! I'll have my usual" The girl named Min Young nodded and got to work. A few minutes later the girls drink was made. She handed some money to the cashier and whispered something. After that she left. "Hi! Welcome to the Moonlight Cafe! May I take your order?" Min Young asked and smiled at the girls. "Hi! Can I have 4 Smoothies and some pancakes please?" Jisso asked. "Sure! Your order will be ready in a few minutes! Is that for here or to go?" Min Young looked at Jisso. "For here please" Jisso handed the girl some money. "Oh don't worry about paying my friend who was before you asked if she could buy your order also." Min Young smiled at them. "What was her name?" Jisso asked. "Its Choi Soo Ri" Min Young said while cooking the food. "Ok thank you!" Jisso went and found a table.
~Time Skip~
Soo Ri walked into the dance studio. "Just wait here until the girls get done with their meeting" The manager smiled at her and left. "I'll just dance..." Soo Ri mumbled to herself.
(Play the video in the media!)
(She can be either girl)
Once Soo Ri finished she heard clapping. The girls and PD-min were watching her. "Good Job! Now Soo Ri introduce yourself and girls be nice!" PD-nim smiled and left the room.
Hopefully that was good and wasn't to long. I'll be starting scenarios after this so if you wanna request then either comment on chapters or message me! Anyways hope you enjoyed!♥


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