You Live Here Eddie

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Walking down the hall of the house that Eddie was so fond of, felt like walking around in a scary movie.
He'd never noticed how the ground creeked with each step, and how the wind sounded like hushed whispers.
Eddie was really scared at this point putting all these thoughts in his mind.
"Eddie?" Richie whisper-yelled, from what seemed like far away, but was really 5 feet ahead.
"I'm scared Richie, I told you that! This is some creepy shit." Eddie replied.
"You live here Eddie."

"I know."

"Guys what the hell?" Bev said, calling from Eddies room.  "It's 3 am, what are you doing?"

"We heard something." Eddie said.

"Sounded like it was from the cellar." Richie added.

"It was probably the wind, you idiots. Now can you go to bed?"

"Fine, C'mon Spaghetti." Richie said, now ahead of Eddie, entering his room. Eddie looked forward seeing a distant figure, mirroring somewhat like--
But this figure had red eye and a deadly smile.
Swallowing hard, Eddie rushed back into his room, closing the door and locking it. From across the room Richie was giving Eddie a worried look. Eddie gestured to his phone.
Richie; what!

Eddie; were you...

Richie; i was...?

Eddie; were you out there, before i came in?

Richie; no.

Eddie; you sure?

Richie; Eddie what's wrong?

Eddie; nothing, just my imagination.

Richie; okay Eddie Spaghetti.

Eddie; don't call me that.

Richie; well are you going to sleep?

Eddie; Might as well.

Eddie; Night :)

Richie; Night <3

Eddie; (((;

Richie; is that a winky face straight guy?

Eddie; we all have doubts.

Richie; righttt.

Richie glanced over at Eddie, who surprisingly was staring right back at him. Or so what he thought. He looked like Eddie, but from what he knew Eddie's smile wasn't devilish and his teeth weren't razor sharp.
'Eddie' slowly paced over to Richie, his grin growing wider. Richie backed up on The Real Eddie's bed hitting his head against the wall. Fear filled his body and his mind went crazy.

"What the fuck!?" Mike yelled, bashing 'Eddie' in the head with his a baseball bat Eddie had hanging on the wall, waking everyone up.

"That thing looks like me!" Eddie screamed crawling over to Richie.

"N-not this a-again!" Bill yelled jumping 'Eddie' who was cornering Mike and Stan. Ben and Bev went to Eddies closet to grab anything to attack 'Eddie' with.
Richie held Eddies tiny body in his  arms, trying to calm him down from this panic attack he was having.
Eddie was shaking in his arms, thoughts roaming in his head.

I thought we killed it.

"HOLY SHIT!" Richie yelled, seeing 'Eddie' change into a clown. He'd never noticed how different this-- thing, could morph into the thing he feared most. Beverly pulled a leg out of Eddie's night stand, and stabbed it into 'Its' back, making him disappear.
Ben gasped for air and Stan just stared over at Bill, who seemed surprisingly calm.
"Anyone want to explain what the fuck is going on?!" Richie yelled from under Eddie. Eddie looked at him with sympathy, and Bill just laughed.
"Not funny!" Mike yelled. "They don't know Bill."

"How did this even happen." Bev said putting down the table leg. "Bill killed him. We aren't scared! Fear is the only thing keeping him alive, who's scared of him raise your hand."
Ben, Stan, Richie, and Eddie raise their hands.
"E-E-Eddie, w-why?" Bill asked.

Eddie shook his head.

"It knows things, that I'm scared to tell."

bullshit. i write bullshit. i fucking hate myself but hey, it's an update, and we love a SHISHTER UPDATE. ahem... enjoy my shit and suck a cow dick. omggg how do cows have sex? oof i'm sorry ill go--

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