Duty Calls

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Jesse was sitting alone in the hallway room reading Lukas's book, "he really does have a gift for this stuff" she said to herself. She continued onto the last page and read,

"...And She couldn't have done it without her friends." - Jesse.

She closed the book and smiled, the main door of the hallway began to open, and to her surprise walked in the author himself, "hey Lukas" Jesse said as he walked up to were she was sitting. "Watchya reading there?" he said curious. She stood up from her spot "only the best book to ever be written," as she handed it to him. Lukas smiled, "I hear the author is a real knock out,"

"Oh is that so?" she said playfully punching his arm. They both laughed, "So you finally got around to reading it, to be honest I thought you'd be a little to busy to-"

"I think that Jesse character is pretty awesome" she said cutting him off still teasing him.

"Yeah she is." Lukas said as they both laughed. Jesse sat down again, remembering her friends having moments like these together laughing and joking around, she started to think of Petra and how she just left... She knew it was the right thing to let her go but she thinks back to when she stopped Lukas from leaving during the wither storm, she felt like she could have done more.

"Lukas do you think I- I failed Petra." she asked softly. "I cant help but feel as if-"

"Jesse what are you talking about?" he sat down next to her, "whats going on?"

"All of our friends just kind of of left, they all have their own lives now and I know that's fine, but- I know it was hard on Petra she didn't really rely on anyone before she met all of us, and weve all been through so much together. Maybe I did a bad job of keeping us all together. I know change is inevitable, bu-"

"Jesse its like you said before at the gates of town when we were all together, we all have our own lives now, but no matter what will always be best friends." Lukas looked at her, "Jesse, if its any consolation i'm glad you stayed." She looked up at him surprised, "Yeah? me too."

"But I have to ask," he said softly, "Why did you decide to stay? I mean I know Petra and you have been through a lot and you guys are super close so why not just hit the road?"

She grabbed the book from his hand, "Well to be honest Lukas, there were a lot of reasons to stay, I mean Beacon Town kind of depends on me, but..." she glanced at him, "I think when it comes down to it I wanted to stay for y-"

"JESSEEEEE!" Radar came running into the hallway, "JESSE, JESSE, JESSSsssEEEe!"

Jesse and Lukas both stood up breaking their somewhat intimate moment, "Radar whats wrong?!"

"ComE ON! I HAvE To Show YoU!" Radar said grabbing Jesse's arm half-way dragging her away. Lukas laughed at the sight of noodle armed Radar trying to pull Jesse.

"Duty calls" she said waving bye to Lukas, "Can I come by your house later?"

"Like you even have to ask."

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