The Cell

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Before Jesse and Petra could process the situation Aden's gang quickly restrained them, holding their arms back, catching them off guard.

"Aden? What's going on?" Jesse said trying to keep her cool.

Aden glared at Jesse with a solum stare.

"Jesse, when will you learn, that your friends are going to be the ultimate cause of your downfall?"

"What are you talking about-"

"I sent you a letter about a month ago."

Jesse thought back to when Radar was organizing her mail with her,

"The one about redeeming yourself?" she tried to recall.

Aden turned to her, with a look of udder surprise, "Oh, so you did read it?"

Jesse rubbed the back of her head in an awkward tension, she knew she never got around to reading that letter, "..yeah.."

"So then you know that I wrote that I wanted you to meet me in a spot far outside of town to talk about the past," He walked closer. "When you never came I knew I had to think of another way to get you near without drawing suspicion, so I used the portal network to find something that I knew would have to get your attention, a weapon disguised as a block... " His voice became firm, "But before I even got the chance the most perfect opportunity literally walked by... Petra."

Aden gave a sinister smile,

"I knew if we took Petra it would only be moments before you'd come chasing after her. But we had to make sure Axel saw, that's why we didn't take him too. He was the messenger and she was the bait."

Jesse and Petra looked at each other in confusion,

"But why Aden? Why did you need to get my attention in the first place?"

"Take them back to their cell."

"Aden wai-"

Jesse was struggling as hard as she could, Petra could barely make an effort to escape from their grasps. Jesse managed to wiggle one arm free punching one of his female accomplices. She quickly jerked back with the hit, and with her other arm, she managed to knock the other guy away. Jesse began to run as fast as she could.


Jesse briefly looked back to Petra, struggling to free herself. And before Jesse had to choose to go back or keep running, she felt a piercing in her right side. And suddenly she could barely move. Aden ran over to her and knocked her out cold.


Jesse's eyes began to open slowly,

"Petra?" she muttered.

"Jesse I'm right here."

Jesse felt a warm but firm hug wrap around her.

"I'm right here."

Jesse began to regain her continuous, "Petra" She hugged her back, "Petra you don't know how worried I was."

Jesse and Petra finally had a proper reunion even if the conditions weren't ideal. But for a second neither of them cared they were just so happy to see each other. The two girls sat for a minute acknowledging each other's presence.

But Jesse soon began to look at her surroundings,

"how are we gonna get out of this one?"

"you'll find a way, you always do," Petra spoke.

"We will." Jesse said emphasizing the 'we', she didn't like how Petra always made her feel when it came to Jesse being the leader.

"But hey it looks like we have some time to kill at least until you can formulate a plan to get us out of here, so how long has it been since I've seen you? A year? two years?"

"Petra, it's only been about two months since you left town."

A shocked expression overcame her, "Woah. Really? Time feels different in the Nether I guess..."

"Did you really think we would abandon you for years Petra?"

Petra began to look away again, "Anyway. Two months is still a while, so what have you been up to? How is everthing? How's Lukas?" Petra was clearly trying to stay calm by creating some form of small talk.

Jesse tried to get past the fact that Petra literally thought her friends, more importantly, her, would abandon her for years.

Jesse placed her hand on Petra's shoulder, "Petra I would never forget you. Always remember that."

And with that Petra couldn't hold back any longer, she held Jesse as if she would never see her again and began to cry.

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