Adventure Calls

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Axel looked hesitant with his response like he was holding something back. Lukas and Jesse turned to each other, and had questioning looks, "Axel? What's wrong?"

"I messed up. I messed up pretty bad."

Olivia put her hand on Axel's hand, "It's okay, you didn't know."

"Axel, what happened?" Lukas said now with a concerned face.

Axel took a deep breath and began, "as you know I have a tendency to live by 'finders keepers', Axle frowned, "there was this group of griefers who stopped by boomtown they set up near the outskirts and when I went to go see what they wanted I noticed they were all gone, me being my curious self, went into one of their huts and found a chest, I swear I only wanted to see what was inside, but I saw a block I had never seen before. My first thought was to just leave it, but these were a group of griefers. GRIEFERS, and I didn't want to just leave it there, what if it was dangerous? Like some kind of a weapon. I ran back into town to take it to Magnus, to see if he knew what it was. And then... I saw Petra, out of nowhere running from the group of griefers, she was outnumbered, I tried to run over to her as fast as I could. She was yelling at them saying how she didn't steal anything from them. And they kept telling her to give them what was their's back. I was about to explain how I took it and Petra was innocent. But by then I was too late, they captured her. I told them that she was innocent but they said they didn't care, I even offered to give them back their weird block. But they said they wanted Jesse to come get her."

"Why me? Why was Petra even there?" Jesse asked, still trying to process everything she was just told.

"I mean we are pretty well known. My guess its because they know how valuable Petra is. Especially to you. And you're a pretty powerful person Jesse, status-wise too. I think they're using Petra as leverage. But as for why Petra was even there, I have no idea. It's not like we really had time to catch up."

"But what could they possibly want from me?" 

Jesse became irritated, "Either way they don't know who they're messing with. No one messes with my friends."

"I'm going with you." Lukas stated, "And I don't care if they said you have to go alone. It could be a trap. You need backup"

Axel glanced at him, "They will kill Petra if they see that Jesse isn't alone."

"Well, then I'll be stealthy," Lukas said insistently, "I'm not discussing this. I'm going."

Jesse admired his persistence.

"But can we really take that chance?" Olivia said hesitant, "even if you were stealthy if you were discovered... We can't take the chance of Petra being hurt."

"Can I take your order?" A waiter came up to the table, while everyone arguing was still heated, "NOT NOW." They all said.

The waiter walked away defeated.

They all began arguing again, about what the right thing to do was. But Jesse stayed silent thinking, how could this have happened. How could Axel be so irresponsible, but she didn't blame him she knew that she would have probably done the same if there was any chance of a weapon falling into the wrong hands. She thought about Petra, how afraid and alone she must feel. She thought about Olivia and her reasoning behind not wanting Lukas to come with her. She was right if there was any chance of Petra being hurt or worse, Jesse wasn't about to take it. And finally, she thought about Lukas. How he refused to let her go alone, Jesse was planning to tell him how she felt, but now this? Another mission that would keep her from thinking about her feelings, and needing to stay focused.

Jesse stood up from the booth, "I'm going tomorrow, and I'm going alone."

Lukas looked at her troubled, "But Jesse?"

"Axel where can I find them?" She asked focused.

Axel explained the directions that the griefers had given him.

"In the nether?"

Lukas became incredibly worried, "Jesse please."

"I have to prepare. I'll see you guys later." She stated and walked out of the building.

"How could this have happened." Lukas asked mad at Axel, "You know how hard she's trying to start a life here. And you have to come around and put her in the position to be risking her life again!"

"Lukas calm down," Olivia said trying to reassure him, "You know Axel didn't want any of this to happen."

Axel stayed in guilt, "I'm sorry, man. But what else is there to do now."

"We can't just let her go by herself, especially to the nether?! You know she would never give up on us."

"Lukas is there something your not telling us?" Olvia said suspectingly, "You know you can tell us."

Lukas's face turned red, "You already know."

She smiled, "you haven't told her yet?"

"How could I? There's always something else. And I can't tell her this now, She needs to stay focused."

"Am I missing something?" Axel said confused with what the heck they were talking about, "Is this about Lukas liking Jesse?" he said bluntly.

Now Lukas couldn't even speak, he was so flustered.

"Axel!" Olvia elbowed him, "Have some sensitivity for once."

Olivia looked at Lukas, "You need to talk to her. Before it's too late"

Lukas looked up at Olivia, "Your right," He quickly stood up from his seat and rushed out of the restaurant and sprinted to the Order Hallway.

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