⚫Chapter 4⚫

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"You cannot escape from reality"

Time Stamp: 04:00pm

How long has it been, weeks, month's, he didn't know, it just felt that way to him, in actuality it had only been, 3 days since she last visited, 3 days since he made his mistake, 3 days since he overstepped his boundaries and invaded her personal...

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How long has it been, weeks, month's, he didn't know, it just felt that way to him, in actuality it had only been, 3 days since she last visited, 3 days since he made his mistake, 3 days since he overstepped his boundaries and invaded her personal space, 3 days of him agonizing over, what he had done, he regretted it instantly, he didn't regret the act itself, he just regretted the fact, that in the heat of the moment, he lost all sense of rationality.

And he couldn't put his finger, on the reason why, was it because, she reminded him of someone, was it because she was the only person, that treated him, like a human being, what was the reason, behind his sudden misdeed, was his cold heart, finally growing warm at the feeling of having someone care for him, was his heart finally beginning to have hope, even in the slightest way.

It was all so confusing to him, it's been years since he felt anything for anyone, years since he felt loved, it's been such a long time, his heart had harden over the years, but seeing the little woman's, smile, had caused a crack in his concrete heart, seeing her everyday, chatting with her, it had caused the gap, to enlarge even wider, he felt warm inside, just having the little lady, there with him, even if it was just for a few hours.

He felt needed, he felt like he had a purpose, once again, he felt significant, not to society, but to his own self, he didn't know the reason, why the woman was visiting him, he didn't know but he wondered if he wanted to find out, would it be better if he knew the reason why, or would he just let it stay in the dark.


Looking down at the stone head in front of her, tears falling out from the confines of her eyes, she wondered why things happened this way, falling down unto her knees, she touched the headstone lightly, reading the words, that were engraved, reading the words that haunted her, the only person she loved dearly was gone, she was gone and everyone thought that he did it, but she knew that wasn't the case, he loved her so why would he, why would he kill the person he loved, it was all so cruel, no one knew the truth of that night, no one knew what really happened, they all just assumed it was him, resting her head on the gravestone, she murmured something, still crying bitterly.

"what should I do now, sis, I'm so confused"

She said, wiping away her tears with one hand, she knew she wouldn't get an answer, but nevertheless she still, spoke to the gravestone, as if she was talking to the person alone, even though there would be no answer, to her questions, reading the words, that were engraved once again, she stood leaving that place, the place where the sun never shined, grass never grow, flowers never bloomed, it was just dark and gloomy, like the day itself.

Those words.......

Park Yoona
Died: December 19th, xxxx
In loving memory of a beautiful daughter, sister and wife.

"you'll all find out, the reason why, in due time, until then, just keep smiling"

Haunted her thoughts day in and day out.


He wondered why things happened the way it did, was it planned from the start, did anyone knew when what happened, would actually play out, or was it just unexpected, but why why did the devil strum his fingers, why did god take her away, he figured both of them were at work that day, one whose Angels were singing their melodious tones, the others whose devils, mischievous hands were at play.

Were they all working together, to cause him his dismay, to take away the little happiness, he had gained, even though, he had stolen someone's else happiness, to have his own, was that the reason why, was it because, the happiness he received, wasn't his to have.

He knew what he had done, was a mistake, on both ends, but he knew he was in the wrong, but he couldn't help it, he couldn't resist, when he saw her smile, saw the way she laughed, the way her body moved, the way she danced to music, it was as if, his mind and soul had been entranced by this one person, before he knew it, he wanted her to be his, wanted her to belong to him only, but she belonged to another and Tragically enough, she belonged to the one person he trusted.

And that person was his best friend......

He tried not to let his feelings show, but she saw right through him and that's how, the game of cat and mice begun, that's how the lies and deceit, came in to play, the thrill was nice, but his mistakes soon caught up to him.

That's when everything became a tragedy in itself.

Time Stamp: 06:00pm

"you're beautifully broken"


A/n: yo I'm crying here fuck.....

A/n: yo I'm crying here fuck

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