⚫Chapter 11⚫

285 17 11

"A life without meaning is worthless"

Time Stamp: 09:00am
3 months later

It was time, it was finally time for jimin to leave, his duffle bag swung over his shoulder, he exited his cell, the cell he had been in for the past years, years that he didn't even want to think of, because those same cells were what took his fr...

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It was time, it was finally time for jimin to leave, his duffle bag swung over his shoulder, he exited his cell, the cell he had been in for the past years, years that he didn't even want to think of, because those same cells were what took his freedom away.

Walking past the security guards, he waved to them, before exiting the prison, standing by the metal gates, he waited for his ride, to arrive. Just then a car pulled up and someone stepped out, seeing who it was jimin smiled brightly, running towards the woman that was now, closing her car door, lifting her up high in the air, making her squeal, she giggled, before he set her down unto the ground.

"Yoon, i missed you"

Jimin said hugging her tightly, planting a kiss to her forehead. Punching him lightly on the arm, Yoon whispered "i missed you too" just low enough for jimin to hear, smiling she hugged him tighter.

"Alright love birds, let go you're still on the premises"

Hearing someone speak, they both turned around, to look at the person that spoke, Yoon laughed while jimin groaned in annoyance.

"Shut up Yoongi"

Yoongi was a new officer that joined the team and it wasn't long before him and jimin became friends, rolling his eye Yoongi stretched out his arm, for  Yoon to give him a hug, jimin reluctantly let her go, hugging Yoongi, Yoon pinched his cheek, before waving goodbye, as she headed towards her car.

"Bye, grandpa"

Jimin said to Yoongi, before following Yoon, getting into the car, Yoon was about to put the car in drive, when jimin tapped her on the shoulder, as soon as she turned her head, her lips connected with his, putting one hand behind her head, jimin pressed her, closer to him, their lips starting to move in sync, when a knock on the passenger side window was heard.

Groaning jimin pulled away from Yoon, to look out the window, to see who it was, it was Yoongi, Yoon started to laugh, when Yoongi made a gesture of puking, jimin flipped him off, before all three of them started laughing.

"Bye yoongs"

Yoon said waving goodbye, as she started the car, Stepping back slightly, to allow the car more space to move, Yoongi watched as the car drove away, turning around, he grabbed someone by the collar, tapping his baton lightly, on the man's head.

"Now then, it's time for me to escort you to your cell"

Yoongi said grinning, before dragging the man behind him, the man stumbling on his feet.


Rewind back 3 months ago

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