Her life

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Malia Tate was perfectly fine without Stiles Stilinski. 

Yes she missed him, yes she wanted him, yes she loved him...but she didn't need him. 

Malia had other people in her life that cared for her. It wasn't like Stiles didn't care about her, he was just cared for Lydia more. And Malia was happy for them, her two best friends had found true love. 

Malia's adoptive dad had died after senior year, so she lived in Derek's old apartment. He had a house with Braeden, and she would spend most of her time over there. When she wasn't with her cousin and his fiancé, she was at the Sheriff's station or Hospital. 

It has been 5 years since graduation,5 years since the breakup, 5 years since everyone left. Malia,  Liam, Hayden, and Mason were the only ones from the pack who stayed in Beacon Hills. 

Scott got back together with Kira and moved away, Stydia happened and they had no choice but to move away since Lydia was paranoid most of the time. 

Everyone else like Theo, Ethan, Jackson, and Corey decided it would be best to start over somewhere new. 

This meant that Malia, Derek, and Liam were the primary protectors of the town. Malia had gotten really close with Sheriff Noah Stilinski, Melissa Mccall, Chris Argent, and Dr. Deaton. They all thought of her as a daughter, and to her they were all her parents. 

She worked her ass off, trying to protect everyone. Malia was loved by all of Beacon Hills, and that's all she ever wanted. 

For her day job, Malia became a deputy. This way she could work close with Parrish and Stilinski, solving supernatural cases. She was perfect for the job, too!

Malia hasn't dated since senior year. She tried with Scott and Theo, but it never was the same as being with Stiles. Some people judged her for it, saying she was to clingy and that she needed to move on. But Malia didn't care what they thought, and she didn't think of herself that way. She was doing what was best for her. She had explained this to all of her friends in Beacon Hills, and they understood. Even though Braeden tried to set up dates for Malia, she was still supportive of her choice. 

Sheriff Stilinski knew the impact his son had made on Malia, how he changed her and made her a better person. But he also knew that she did the same for him. He knew that Malia was doing what was best for her, and he was proud. 

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