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Stiles and Lydia were currently living in an apartment, right outside of Beacon Hills. A few months ago, Scott and Kira bought an apartment less than a mile away. 

Stiles and Lydia's apartment:

"Hey hun, can you pass me the salt," Lydia asked. "It's right in front of you Lyds," Stiles sighed, reaching for the container. "Yea well you haven't been assisting me as much lately, so I just wanted to make sure we were good. I don't feel like you care as much about me anymore," Lydia glared at her boyfriend. "Diddo," he simply replied. "Maybe we should talk about this," she offered, while running her fingers through her curls. "Ok. Well we don't have date nights anymore. We don't sleep in the same bedroom. We only talk to each other when we have to. We haven't kissed each other on the lips in a week. Oh, and we haven't said I-Love-You since we left Beacon Hills," Stiles said, not looking up from his plate. "Stiles do you still love me?" Lydia choked out. "Do you love me?" he asked. It was silent for the rest of the meal. 

Scott and Kira's place:

"Guess who," Kira questioned, covering Scott's eyes. "Is it the most beautiful girl in the world?" Scott smiled. "Good answer," Kira climbed over the couch, giving her boyfriend a passionate kiss. "How was school?"  Scott asked, playing with her hands. "I don't know why I need to go to school longer, just to be a teacher. ITS NOT FAIR!" she whined. They laughed, getting closer to one another, not wanted to let go. 

Kira had her head on Scott's chest, "Lydia and Stiles don't look to good right now. They haven't since we left." Scott looked down into her gorgeous brown eyes, "To be honest K, I never thought they would last long," he confessed. "But you said they had a connection like no other. Did Mr. McCall lie?" Kira laughed, acting surprised. "Haha, it was the only way to get Stiles back so my bad. I guess what I'm trying to say is that they never loved each other, they just obsessed over one another. Stiles was in love with Malia and Lydia was in love with Parrish. But both thought they had to fulfill some kind of fairytale love story. They were so paranoid, and caught in the past, both let go of their soulmates. Damn it Kira, why didn't I tell Stiles this," Scott was now standing up. "Hey, this is not your fault at all. After your explanation, I totally agree with you. Parrish and Malia were heartbroken when they were left. Stiles and Lydia haven't been the same without them," Kira got up, hugging Scott. "I'm just glad I still have you," he said and kissed the top of her head. 

Scott's phone began to ring. He reached into his pocket, shocked at who was trying to reach him. "It's Malia," he told Kira. "Answer it dumbass."

The phone call:

Malia: S-S-S-Scott, you need to come back to Beacon Hills. 

Scott: Malia you sound like you've been crying and its scaring me, what happened?

Malia: Someone kidnapped Melissa, Noah, and Chris. She wants the whole pack to come home, so that she can have a rematch. 

Scott: Ok, don't worry will leave right away. Have you called Stiles yet?

Malia: Um yeah, he said Lydia and him would just catch a ride with you. 

Scott: Hang in their Mal.

Maila: Drive safe.

End of call

Kira was listening to the call, so she was already getting stuff packed. Once they were ready, Scott and Kira headed out to their driveway. Stiles and Lydia were already outside, waiting in the blue jeep. Kira jumped into the back with Lydia, Scott road shotgun next to Stiles. He started the car and looked at his best friend, "Let's go home."

A/N--- I hope you enjoy where this story is going so far, I've been trying to make it different from all of the other Stalia fanfic's out there. Pretty plz leave a comment, and vote on the story:)

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