First Contact

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(Aight I'm going to warn you guys now, some death might occur, but honestly Idk.)
Startled by the noise of something approaching, she darted up a nearby tree and hid in a large grouping of dinner plate sized leaves. Curiosity winning out against fear, she began shifting in her position so that she could see. The large creature below her was a dark bluish purple in color, and was built much like large feline. With piercing turquoise eyes it surveyed its surroundings. Its twin tails squished back and forth, ending in spiky tips. The creature's paws had claws like a dog, sharp as razor blades and glinting in the dim light of the jungle. Its mouth was jagged as if it had teeth fixed to the outside of its muzzle. The terrifying creature seemed to have some form of chitin armor that glinted in the dappled sunlight. Completely transfixed by this creature, our protagonist decided to follow it from the safety of the trees. She watched it as it stalked something in the distance, completely unaware of the potentially dangerous force following it from the trees almost directly above its head. Finding this a very fun pastime she followed the creature for quite a long time.
             (Like half a day later)
Still following the purplish lion, she watched as it began to lap at the liquid in front of it. Confused by this action, she lowered herself in order to get a better look. Now hanging upside down barely ten feet away, she watched as it flicked its pink tongue out to draw water into its mouth. Deciding to try this for herself, she lowered herself further down towards the large expanse of water that snaked through the trees farther than any normal person could see. Reaching out she stuck her hand into the liquid. It was cool, the current pleasantly lapping at her not quite submerged wrist. As she watched she noticed a large dark blot beneath her hand. It grew in size as it came into focus, darting from side to side as if it was trying to avoid detection. Retracting her hand, she watched as barely a moment later a huge open jaw launched itself out of the deep river and snapped shut on the space where her hand had been. Startled, instinct took over as she struck out against the giant fish, catching it by its spiny armoured tail. The fish writhed and twisted in its vain attempts to escape her grasp, spraying the nearby foliage with water droplets before finally giving up nearly an hour later. Wanting to know more about it, the girl took it in both hands and brought it into the tree with her, not even noticing that the large feline had run away during the chaos. Examining every inch of its slimy plate covered body excited her. It had long since grown quiet, but she didn't know why. She began to poke and prod it in hopes of a response but nothing happened. Picking it up she moved to the forest floor and set it down. Deciding to leave it be, she went to find the large feline she had been following before. Unable to find it she simply wandered through jungle.
It was a long time before she found something more interesting than that fish.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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