Part 27

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"Because I didn't want you to think differently of me. As a killer. Y/N... I cant do this." he said, flipping over to the opposite wall. "Colby... I'm literally a vampire myself. You're not a killer... and I'll help you through it." You said, spinning in the chair. "Last night. I almost killed you. You do realize I'd never forgive myself for that? No way could I live with myself knowing I killed the person I lov-... my best friend. I couldn't control it. I don't know how the hell I managed to release but if I hadn't I would've killed you. I know I hurt you, and it sucks knowing that" he said, throwing the blanket over his head. "Because you realized who I was. When you kept getting in trouble I made sure you were safe. I couldn't live with myself not caring. I did everything in my power to protect you.. but here's where I fucked up. Who turned you? How'd it even happen?" You asked, stopping the spinning. "I don't know. I woke up in my car, blood all over the wheel and my forehead, but no cuts. I thought nothing really if it, until I.. i nearly killed someone. I don't remember who made me drink their blood or how I even got there but here I am." He said, his voice muffled under the blankets.
"Colby.. you can't feel bad about this stuff. You're a vampire now.. I'll get you blood bags. I'll help you through everything. I promise. You'll be fine." You said, trying to comfort him. "I just.. tired and mad. You can't be around me" He said, but before you could say anything you heard snores. You look at him, thankfully, he had great bed placement and he hasn't been in the sun. Then it hit you, how has jake been surviving in the sun?

You jumped out of the chair, quickly running to Jake's room. You pushed open the door, stomping to him. You scared him. "My god..." he sighed, breathing heavily. That didn't stop you though. You grabbed his hand, looking at the very few rings he had. He was like Colby, he wore the randomest things. You looked to him, he was confused. "How are you surviving in the sun?" You asked, dropping his hand. "I- I don't know." He said, realizing it. "I bought the ring from one of those witch shops... when Sam and I got the cleansing stuff" he said. "Well, atleast it works." You said, sitting down on the bed. Then the thought of Colby came back, should you tell him? You've never kept a secret from Jake, you two told each other everything. But he didn't ask, so you didn't say.

A few days passed, Colby hadn't left his room since, or at least you haven't seen him leave it. Same old same old, Corey decided to host a party once again, but you decided to hold back.

You were sitting on your bed, listening to music to overpower all the noise downstairs. You had Colby's merch on, take chances. His personal sweater. You looked down it, and a thought came to mind. Colby.
You hopped out of your bed, you were in sweatpants and his hoodie. You walked down the hallway, to Colby's room. You knocked on it,
You knew he was in there. "Cant talk" he said. He sounded sick, or different at least. "You can't keep avoiding me" you said, leaning on the door. "It's for a good reason. Plus, you did it to me for two months straight." He said. "Well it's doing more bad then good" you replied. The door behind you suddenly pulled back, you falling. But somehow, Colby caught you. He didn't really move, he just moved his arms. You looked up to him, him still holding you up. You could see his eyes look down at you, his head upright. You smiled, not much. You could see him laugh and look away, trying to not let you see. You push yourself up, out of his arms. His hair was messy, once again, but he was super skinny. Like, almost rib cage skinny. "So you're starving yourself." You said. "Nice merch" he said, trying to change he subject. You rolled your eyes, "don't change the subject" you said, crossing your arms. "No, I'll do what I want. You can't be around me" he said, looking away and pushing the door shut. You placed your hand on the door, to pervert it from shutting. It stopped, but he looked at you. He pushed it shut. Then the door lock. You felt your whole body slide, your socks cussing you to slide. You sighed. "Find someone new Y/N, I'm not an option anymore" you heard him say across the door. "Colby-" you said, frowning. "Cant risk it" he said. You shook your head, walking back down the hallway.

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