Part 32

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The car pulled into the driveway. You exited the car, walking to the door. Colby was ahead of you. He opened the door, but he was blocking you. "I'm sorry... she didn't make it." He said. You were confused. You could hear someone say "oh" softly from inside the house.
Colby smiled and pushed the door fully open, revealing the whole house sitting on the couch. You smiled, running to them. "Y/N!" They said, getting up. You all had a group hug, but you heard something weird. You stepped back, Naomi was holding something. You gasped, "is that Hope?" You asked. She handed you the baby, you smiled. She was so small, she was adorable. You turned back and looked at Colby, smiling. He laughed, shaking his head. You laughed, turning back to Naomi. "She's adorable" you said, smiling. You handed her back to Naomi. You looked around, realizing Jake was still sitting on the couch. He had his arms crossed. You turned to Colby, he shook his head. You looked back at Jake. He dipped his head, looking at your arms then back at you. Your shoulders dropped, giving him a look.

"Schools starting soon." Naomi said, "atleast for you guys" she said. "What?" You gasped. "I've graduated, Y/N" she laughed. Naomi's a year older then you, so it makes sense. "Yeah. I'll be attending a private school, my old teacher got me a full scholarship there. It was hard to turn down" he said, getting up. "I'll be here Saturday and Sundays... but I have to stay there durning the week." He said. He sighed, "well, good luck" you said, smiling. He didn't say anything back.

A month passed, Colby and Y/N wheeled, but stopped a few days later. A few weeks after school started. Due to that, Colby became the fucboy of the school. Although, he still had feelings for you. Even though you 'didnt'. You thought you did atleast. No one had found about him being a vampire either. You also stayed with Kat for the longest time. He still tries to get you back, but you tease him. Although he still liked you, he dated anyone. He was the hottest guy in school though, so that didn't help. He was popular, you weren't. He was a YouTuber, so that made a difference. You happened to join a school skit, so did he. Weird thing, your wrists were healing but EXTREMELY slowly.

[ warning these parts r kinda weird n will b sexual oops ]

It was the day of the play, you were putting on the dress. You couldn't reach, and you were just messing up your hair. Colby entered the dressing room. Everyone was ready, out on stage. Since you were part 2, you had time, they were only introducing the play. You were struggling, but you tried to not let him see you. You felt a hand on your waist, and the zipper zipper up, and the dress tighten up. You dropped your arms, letting him just help you. You already knew who it was. "You're struggling" he said. You looked in the mirror, he had both his hands on your waist now. His head was by yours, "you're not my boyfriend" you said, smiling. You felt your whole body twist around, you were face to face with him. "Yet" he said, smirking.
You pushed yourself up on the counter, he leaned closer to you, his hands on either side of you. "You turned your humanity off" you said, leaning closer to him. You could feel his breath on your face. His breath smelt nice. "Maybe I did." He said, tilting his head a bit. "Hm. So what are your intentions? To fuck the shit outta me?" You asked, leaning back. He stepped back, "we can make that happen" he said, pulling off his shirt. "Colby stop" you said, getting a bit scared. That's why no humanity sucks, he wouldn't give a shit. He started walking to you. "I said stop, now" you said. He didn't though. "Colby please stop" you said, putting your leg up on the counter. You were scared. He put his hands on either side. He was leaning over you. You paused, scared of what he'll do. "I wouldn't. Not gonna hurt you." He said, that made you feel better. "Yet" he said, stepping back. He grabbed a different shirt, putting it on. You rolled your eyes, and hopped off the counter. He looked at you as you passed him. "Y/N" he said, stopping. "What" you said, sloppy turning around. "You're acting different." He asked. "Not really, but does it matter." You said, turning away. "It does matter. I'm concerned." He said, fakishly. "Well it's not your job to be concerned anymore." You said, walking to the door. You opened it, but a hand slammed it shut. You looked up, "don't be pissy with me" he said. He let go of the door. "Now go to that stupid play" he said, leaning on the wall. "Aren't you coming?" You asked, looking up at him. "Nah. Im just standing in the back, I'm not doing anything so it doesn't matter" he said, walking away. "It does matter Colby" you said, crossing your arms. "Nope. It really doesn't." He said, leaving the dressing room. You rolled your eyes, going onto the stage to prepare.

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