I read auras

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(Stiles is blind, but he's a spark with the gift to read auras. He isn't technically pack yet)

Scott has dragged stiles to a pack meeting. It's not that stiles didn't like the pack, he did, it's that he's blind and the pack makes him feel useless. Sure stiles is a spark and can do some cool things but he's blind and the pack makes him feel handicapped.

"What the hell is he doing here Scott?" Derek pulled Scott aside.

"His dad is out of town" Scott pulled his arm back. "If you didn't want him here maybe you shouldn't make us come over for no damn reason every day" Scott stormed off.


"Stiles you coming?" Scott asked.

"Derek will give me a lift home it's okay Scotty" stiles assured his best friend.

"Okay" Scott looked unsure as he walked out.

"What makes you think I'll give you a ride home?" Derek asked.

"I don't, but Scott worries too much. I get my independence and you get to look like a good person" stiles replied. Derek looked surprised but didn't say anything. "I know you're pissed at Scott for bringing and I'm sorry. Just because you are the alpha doesn't mean you can order him around. My dad left for San Diego and his only terms was Scott watches over me. He's protective of me, they both are. If you don't want me to come anymore, if you don't want my blindness to be a downer than you say it to my face. Then I leave" stiles snapped.

"I want you here. It's just that every time you are near me I just want to hold you and kiss you and make you mine" Derek confessed.

"YOU DICK!" Stiles screamed. "I don't know who in hell told you I like you but you didn't have to fake feelings for me. I get it no one wants the fucking blind man but that doesn't mean you can be a dick. I thought you would be nicer about it" stiles turned to leave. "Come on kilo, home" stiles called his seeing eye dog.

"Kilo stay" Derek used his alpha voice to force the dog. Derek grabbed stiles arm and spun him around placing a kiss on his lips.

"I'm sorry" stiles immediately apologized as Derek pulled away.

"Why are you apologizing, I kissed you?" Derek looked confused, of course stiles couldn't see.

"It was probably bad and stuff" stiles admitted shyly.

"Was it your first?" Derek's asked and stiles nodded. "I want to do it again. Like all the time" Derek told him. Stiles blushed and Derek decided it was something he wanted stiles to do every day.

"Now tell me, how did you know I'm the alpha?" Derek's asked.

"I read auras" stiles replied quicker than Derek expected.

"Excuse me?" Derek dragged stiles to the couch and held him in his arms.

"When I was four I was cursed by a witch. She believed my father was her soulmate and she was angry at my mother for taking him away. My mother was the head of the coven, when she caught her trying to put a love potion in my fathers drink she banished her from the coven" stiles began, swallowing hard.

"Love potions exist?" Derek was shocked.

"More or less, it just gets you to admit your feelings" stiles explained.

"The witch got angry and sought out revenge. She found evil spirits and cursed me to be blind. She told me I would find my own soulmate and they would be the most beautiful person alive and I would never live to see them. It was my mother's punishment. She couldn't undo what they had done but she could change it. She gave me better senses, I can use them to help. She gave me the gift to read auras. It's like the outline of your body. For wolves it's the colour of your eyes, Kanima it's green, kitsune is orange, banshee is purple, sparks or witches are white, Human is pink and that's all I've met so far" stiles finished his story.

"I'm sorry" Derek mumbled into stiles back.

"Are we like a thing now?" Stiles ignored Derek's comment.

"Yes stiles, if you want I'd love to have you as my boyfriend" Derek smiled.

"Why me. Out of everyone why me?" Stiles asked.

"Because you're beautiful, snark, sarcastic, confident and my mate" Derek replied.

"M-mate" stiles stumbled on his words.

"Yes mate, mine" Derek chuckled.

"I can't believe I made Derek hale chuckle" stiles laughed.

"Only you" Derek kissed stiles.


The next day the pack came for a meeting. Stiles had spent the night and was on the couch with Derek when the pack walked in. "Get it stiles. I'm shocked you grew balls" Scott smiled.

"Can it McCall" stiles shot back. "Kilo, go lie down" stiles ordered. Kilo barked to show that he understood him.

"God can't believe Derek is with some blind cripple for pity" Braedon laughed. "I mean he could have me if he asked" she tripped stiles as he walked by.

"Enough" Derek roared. "Don't talk to him that way" he growled, eyes flashing red.

"You need to be with someone who can appreciate how gorgeous you are" Braedon crossed her arms.

"You know what she's right" stiles stood up.

"What?" Derek gasped in shock. "I don't appreciate your beauty. Braedon can. She can for the both of us. From afar" stiles whisked his hand and Braedon was lifted and taken to the door. "Goodbye sweetheart" stiles opened the door and let it shut behind her.

"Since when are you a spark?" Lydia asked.

"Since I was born" stiles sassed.

"Been awhile since you've done anything like that buddy" Scott laughed.

"8th grade Johnny Sherman" stiles giggled.

"I don't even want to know" Allison chuckled sitting next to Jackson.

"I guess by now you guys have figured out stiles is my mate. Disrespect him you disrespect all of us" Derek told the pack.

"I'm not taking orders from stiles" Scott laughed. Derek growled. "I'll respect him and all but If he gives me an order I will trip him" Scott told them. Stiles laughed.

"Remember in grade six when I tried to run the dodgeball team over you and then-" stiles couldn't finished his story because he was laughing to hard.

"Ya and then-" Scott couldn't stop laughing ether.

"Derek, stop stop" stiles gasped for air as Derek tickled him.

"No" Derek replied. Stiles used his magic to remove Derek's hands.

"Cheater" Derek huffed.

"You have super strength, and speed and hearing" stiles reminded him.

"You have super hearing too" Derek replied.

"Wait what?" Jackson asked.

Stiles told them the same story he told Derek. "That's cool, do you can hear as well as us?" Isaac asked.

"Better" stiles replied.

"I can't believe you never told us" Lydia huffed. "How many shopping trips have I taking you on?" She asked.

"I didn't even know we were shopping, I can't see remember" Lydia laughed.

"He's sassy" Erica remarked.

"I've noticed" Scott said.

"I like him" Derek mumbled into stiles as he pulled him in tighter.

"Me too" stiles laughed as Derek kissed his neck.

"I think I'm going to keep him awhile" Derek told them pack.

"I agree" stiles leaned into Derek.

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