Please, like I have one

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(The one where stiles believes he doesn't have a soulmate)

On ones twenty first birthday they will switch bodies with whom possesses the same mark

Those words taunted stiles for years. He never had a soul mark, instead he had a purple back with white lighting bolts all over it. Stiles hated it, he was bullied for not having a soul mark and because of his back for years.

His twenty first birthday was in three days and those words taunted him more than ever.

Four days ago Scott switched bodies with Isaac Lahey. Scott had found his soulmate and stiles was so happy for him, Isaac was super nice. Stiles couldn't help but throw himself a pity party. He would be alone forever. There's rarely a case of people being born without a soul mark, once around every fifty years. Stiles will be a sad virgin until the day he dies. He'll watch Isaac and Scott get married, Lydia and Parrish, Ethan and Danny, Theo and Liam. He'll sit at all those weddings alone knowing he'll never  have that.

Stiles really tries to come to terms with his situation. He adopted a 90lb golden retriever named Leo to keep him company. He has a bunch of friends he can hang out with, plus his dad and Melissa. He'll graduate with his medical degree and get a job that he can commit long hours to. Stiles will travel the world, even if its alone. When he gets old stiles can give his time to charities and saving our planet.

Until then stiles has to survive past his twenty first birthday. There has always been a small part of him that believed he does have a soul mate, but he's been bullied for way to long to truly believe it. He's a scrawny, ugly, useless, waste of space and he doesn't deserve a soul mate plain and simple. At least that's what Matt and Jackson have told him all his life. It's true too, he doesn't have a soul mark which means no soul mate.

Scott's soul mark was cool. It was two bands around his arm, one thicker than the other. Isaac had it on his leg. Lydia's and Parrish's were flames. Ethan and Danny were triangles and circles. Finally Theo and Liam had trees.

Stiles wished he had a soul mark, something cool like Scott and Isaac or Liam and Theo. Not some disgusting purple back, the reason for his endless bullying. The reason for all those nasty thoughts in his mind.


Derek was antsy with anticipation. D-day was in three days. His twenty first birthday. The day he'd switch bodies with his soulmate.

Laura had found her soulmate two and a half years ago. His name is ennis and he's an alpha in a neighbouring pack. Which works perfectly because the alpha gene skipped Laura and landed on Derek.

Cora was still three years away from her soulmate and tried not to think about it to much. Someone out there had a matching bullseye mark. Someone she would marry.

Derek liked to think of who his soulmate will be. A boy or girl? Tall or short? What job they want, where they go to school, where they were born. It's quite possible his soulmate lives in Antarctica and he'll have to find a way to be with them. His father moved from Italy to be with his mother.

Derek secretly hoped it was a boy. He'd be fine with a girl and grateful that he found the love of his life. Truly though, he was attracted to guys. Something about girls turned him off and Derek wasn't sure his dick would work if he tried to fuck one.

"So who do you want?" Laura startle Derek.

"What do you mean?" Derek grunted.

"Guy or girl Der? I know you've thought about it. I did" Laura said.

"Guy" Derek admitted quietly.

"What does he look like?" Derek shrugged, refusing to admit he's thought about it. "What don't you want them to look like?"

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