Hot piece of ass

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(A fluff piece of stiles new friend meeting Derek)

Stiles was a good friend...most of the time. Sometimes he liked to pull pranks on his friends and goof off with them. Everyone in the pack knew this so they didn't take much of what he did seriously.

Stiles got a new friend though, Haley. They met in microbiology. It was stiles' first year of university and Haley's second. They had lot in common though, they liked the same comics and movies, they had the same clothing taste and they loved the same foods.

Stiles hadn't introduced Haley to the pack yet. He wasn't sure when he should. Stiles knew that Haley would never learn they're secret and he didn't want to get her caught up in shit.

"Hey stiles" Haley startled stiles, snapping him out of his train of thought.

"Hey Haley" stiles replied with a smile.

"We are going to study MB tonight right? Cause if we don't I'm totally failing" Haley asked. MB was their abbreviation for microbiology.

"Of course, I need to pass this test" stiles told her.

"Please, you're so smart. You have like a 110% average" Haley teased.

"It's only  a 96%" stiles scoffed. Haley just rolled her eyes.

"Hey look at that cutie" Haley pointed at Derek. He did look good in his police officer uniform.

Stiles had total forgotten that Derek was at the university today. There was a robbery in the community and he wanted to talk to the Dean.

"Eh" stiles shrugged. He wanted to mess with Haley and this was his chance.

"Are you kidding me? Eh. Have you seen that ass?" Haley raised an eyebrow shocked. Stiles just shrugged. "You are gay right? Or did you suddenly become straight without telling me. I know you're engaged, but you can still admire."

Stiles just laughed.

"Oh my god he's coming over here. Why is he coming over?" Haley tried to hide herself behind stiles, which didn't work because she was a whole two and a half inches taller than him. Seriously the girl could've been a great basketball player.

"Hey officer hottie. My friend, Haley, thinks you have a nice ass" stiles addressed Derek.

Derek looked at him and raised on furry eyebrow.

"I'm so sorry officer, he's just messing around" Haley blushed.

"Be nice to your friend" Derek grunted.

"What are you going to do? Arrest me?" Stiles teased.

"Stiles shut up" Haley hissed. "Please don't be mad officer. He's just trying to mess with me."

"You would look good in handcuffs" Derek cracked a small smile.

"We can try it out tonight" stiles smirked.

"What the hell?" Haley asked.

"Actually though babe, I need to get back to my job. I'll see you tonight" Derek kissed stiles.

"I love you" stiles hummed.

"I love you too. Please be careful" Derek started to walked off. Stiles couldn't help but smile. Derek had gotten so nervous after the robbery, he didn't want stiles to go to school. Derek was so protective of stiles, he was his mate after all. Derek forced stiles to do three hours of self defence and made him pinkie promise to give a robber anything they want and not fight back.

"What the holy hell was that?" Haley asked again.

"That was my fiancé" stiles stared at Derek's ass as he walked away.

"You were messing with me. You lied about his amazing ass!" Haley scowled.

"He does have the perfect ass" stiles smiled.

"How did you get him? He must be older than us by at least three years" Haley looked at stiles.

"He took my friend under his wing during a hard time and then we all started hanging out together. He's 22" stiles told her. That made him three years older than stiles and two years older than Haley.

"Dang stiles. I didn't think you had it, but you have it" Haley said.

"I don't know if that's a complement or an insult" stiles laughed. Haley just shrugged.

"I got to get to class" Haley said goodbye leaving for her next class. Stiles just stood there twirling his ring around his finger.

"Der what's wrong? You're acting weird" stiles had notice Derek being weird all week, walking around on egg shells.

"I have to ask you something" Derek swallowed hard.

"Ask away" stiles looked at him, mildly concerned.

" Marry me?" Derek spat out.

"Really? Derek nodded. "Really? Really? Really?" Derek nodded three more times.

"So will you?" Derek suddenly thought stiles would reject him.

"Of course I will you big doofus" stiles jumped into Derek's arms. "I can't wait to start planning our wedding."

Derek laughed as he slipped the ring on stiles finger.

"I love you baby."

"I love you too Der bear."

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