Hi, I'm in love with my sister's boyfriend

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(Derek falls in love with stiles, but he can never have him)

Derek feels guilty, he truly does. He hates that the only way to jack off is by think of his creamy pale skin dotted with moles, or his doe brown eyes.

Derek knew he shouldn't have these feelings. He knew they were wrong. Thinking of stiles, and how he smelt, was the only way Derek could get it up the pole.

So yeah, Derek was in a pickle. He could never have stiles. Why you ask? Because stiles was his sisters boyfriend and they were madly in love. Derek was an awful person for having sex dreams about his sisters boyfriend, but he genuinely couldn't stop.

He felt like stiles was his mate, his one true love. He could never have him though so it didn't matter. Derek was destined to be alone. Maybe he deserved it. Even if stiles wasn't dating Cora, why would he want someone like Derek?


The best day of Derek's life was September 10th 2017. Almost two full years ago.

The hales had just moved to beacon hills. Talia thought it would be good for them and their wolves to be near nature. So they bought a house in the middle of the woods.

"I'm home" Cora called. Derek heard her from the kitchen as he made an after school snack. Derek and Cora went to the same school, but Derek had last block spare so Cora drove herself home.

"Hi Cora and friend" Talia greeted sweetly.

"This is stiles. We have a project together" Cora told them.

Derek caught a wif of stiles and could have came right then and there. Then he saw stiles and had to excuse himself, to take a cold shower.

Stiles started coming over more often and Derek loved it. Up until the worst day of Derek's life. October 7th 2017.

Derek realized something that day that absolutely killed him.

"Come on Cora, you know you love me" stiles said, he had been annoying her for the past twenty minutes. Derek could never imagine being annoyed by stiles.

"Of course I love you, idiot" Cora replied. Stiles did a little victory dance and kissed her cheek.

Derek's heart broke, it shattered into a thousand of tiny pieces. His mate was in love with his sister. Of course he was happy that Cora found someone and he knew stiles would treat her right. That didn't help out the fact that he craved stiles with every bone in his body.


Stiles continued to come over. Basically every day. He talked to everyone in the family and genuinely cared about every last one of them.

That's what was the hardest for Derek. He was so overjoyed that Cora finally found a good boyfriend, but so sad that he wasn't his.

Cora's last boyfriend was so rude and sexiest towards her. He hated that she liked sports and just wanted her to cook and clean for her.

Cora hasn't had a nice boyfriend, who the family liked and treated her like she should be. Stiles let Cora shine. He watched hockey with her, held her purse as she shopped and even tried on outfits for her.

Derek had only ever dated two other girls. Paige, who was a sweet girl. They dated when they were 15, but Paige moved across the world. His other girlfriend was Kate, she was a huge mistake that Derek regrets. He's just grateful that she's in jail and can't hurt him or his family.


"Hey Der" stiles walked down the stairs, wet with no shirt. "Cora spilt juice on me, I had to shower and she's cleaning my shirt" stiles explained.

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