Chapter 17

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Tanya was out getting the cake when her phone rang "This Tanya" she said "really is there no one else because- yes I... I know- but it's our daughter's bir-" sighing "fine I'll be in there in half an hour" she threw her phone in her bag paid for the cake and left for home.

Tanya practically ran inside expecting Brandon to still be home with the children and ready to hand them over. she placed the cake on the kitchen bench and saw a note from Brandon saying that Rosie was out with Jackson, Maddie and Lolly.


I got called into work I will be home as soon as I can. Rosie is out with the kids.

Wish my big girl a happy birthday and tell them I will be home

In time to read them all a bedtime story.

Xx Love you

Brandon. Xxxx

After seeing the note, she showered and got changed.

When Rosie arrive back home with the kids, Rosie changed Lolly in to a pink and white striped dress then put her in her crib to have a nap before going into the kitchen to help Tanya get ready for that party which was going to start in an hour, Maddie sat quitetly at the table colouring in with Jackson helping her. Rosie smiled as she watched Maddie and Jackson colouring in.
" Do you need any help?" Rosie asked.
" I don't think I can do this Rosie" Tanya sighed
" Yes you can, don't let you know who spoil Lolly's special day" Rosie said.
" I know but today of all days" Tanya said glancing at Maddie and Jackson.
Tanya walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of wine and poured two glasses and handed one to Rosie who thanked her friend.
" How long was it until Brandon left after I went to get the cake?" Tanya sipped her wine.
" Oh I don't know about half an hour or so" Rosie shrugged and Tanya rolled her eyes.
Tanya glanced at the note, reread it anger grew in side of her typical Brandon scrunching the note up and throwing it in the bin, she took a deep breath and started making the food for the party.

"Are you alright mom?" Jackson asked looking at his mother.

"everythnig is fine Darling, you carry on and help Maddie colouring in and show me when it's done okay?"Jackson nodded "Okay mom, you wait and see what Maddie has done" he said giggling, Tanya ruffled her sons hair and Rosie smiled at her godchildren.
mean while Tanya and Rosie were preparing for the birthday party whilst Maddie played with her toys but, still in view of her mother and god parent as they decorated the house with balloons, nibbles and a banner with "Happy Second Birthday Lolly".

"left side needs to go up a bit" Tanya said standing back in the room whilst poor Rosie balanced on the lader adjusting the banner.

"No that's to much Rosie, right side needs to go up now" Rosie sighed " I'd like to see you get up here and bloody well do it "  Rosie snapped she lifted the right hand side "That's it" Tanya called out.
" oh thank christ I was bloody dying up there" Rosie said as she got off the ladder and walked over to Tanya glancing at the banner that was perfectly straight.

"Good work" Tanya said giving Rosie a high five.

Tanya took Lolly up stairs and gave her a bath  so, Lolly was clean and ready for her birthday party which was in an hour. Rosie baby sat Maddie and Jackson.

soon enough the party started and friends and family arrived but, still no sign of Brandon.

Tanya walked round the House looking for Brandon just in case she missed him arrive but, there still was no sign of him and this made Tanya angry but, also worried about her husband . Tanya walked over to Rosie "Where the hell is he?He's suppose to be here today" She whispered to Rosie whilst she glanced at her watch.

"I am sure he's on his way Tanya, calm down everything is going to plan" Tanya looked over at the party feeling pleased and Rosie was right everything was going to plan and everyone was having a good time.

Tanya looked over at her daughter who was sitting on the floor crossed legged looking up in amazement at the clown they had hired for the party. Tanya couldn't help but smile as she watched her daughter laugh and smile with her friends.
A while later Tanya smiled as she saw her birthday girl running around happily with her friends; she decided to clear the table for the cake.

Brandon entered the house and seeing the girls playing with Lolly's toys he bent down kissing her, Brandon found Jackson giving him a quick kiss on the top of his head. then found Maddie playing on the floor with Rosie " Hey Rosie how's it going?" Rosie shrugged "you tell me" Brandon frowned. Brandon bent down and gave Maddie a quick kiss on the top of her head. Brandon went into the kitchen to find Tanya getting the cake ready

"Hey Babe I'm sorry I know I'm late I'm just glad the case didn't over run too much and I left early, oh you haven't done the cake yet" Brandon smiled and got the lighter from the cupboard and placed it on the bench next to the cake

"I can't believe it, Brandon really? Another bloody case today of all days. I didn't realise that it was more important than your own daughters 2nd birthday," Tanya snapped

"Don't do this now Tanya, I'm not in the mood" Brandon snapped surprise at his burst of anger

"You know it was pointless you coming home now Brandon everything's been done, like always" Tanya snapped.

"Tanya don't you dare make it all to be my fault and will you be quiet they'll hear you"

"I don't care, if they hear us"

"You might not but I do" Brandon whispered to Tanya who put the number 2 candle on top of the Minnie Mouse cake "we can talk about this later" Brandon picked up the lighter and lit the candle as Tanya picked the cake up from the side and carried it into the dining room.

"I can't believe that your work comes first instead and well I, Jackson, Maddie and Lolly come second"

Brandon ignored her not wanting to make a scene and forced a big smile upon his face when hebsaw them all looking at him.

Tanya placed the cake on the table and bent down to Lolly, everyone started to sing happy birthday, and Tanya bent down the other side of Lolly giving Brandon a stern look seeing him looking at her. Jackson rushed over to his mother and Tanya wrapped her arms round her son.

"are you going to wish your sister a happy birthday" Tanya whipered to her son.

"Yeah" Jackson said gigling.

The party was soon over, everyone was starting to leave Tanya, and Brandon said their goodbyes then once the last guest had left Tanya started to clean up while Brandon went and picked Lolly up taking her upstairs to give her a bath follwed by Maddie and then Jackson. Once cleaned and in thier pyjamas Brandon brought them all back down stairs for dinner, placing Lolly in her high chair, Jackson sat down next to his sister and Maddie sat down next to Jackson, Brandon made Maddie and Jackson's  dinner placed it in front of them both and then walked to the fridge and got out the baby food putting it into a bowl then giving it to Lolly who half ate half seared it all over her face making Brandon laugh as he poured Tanya and himself a glass of wine, he sat on the bench watching her children eat occasionally taking a sip of his drink when Tanya walked in looking pissed

"I can't believe you, choosing your precious job over our children; I mean what father does that?" She began pacing the kitchen then stopped on the other side and glared at her husband.

"Really? You think I wanted to go to work and not spend the day with my beautiful son or my daughters on their birthday you must not know me very well" Brandon said raising his voice and tears threatening to fall

"I'm just telling the truth as it is, the truth hurts doesn't it Brandon" sighing Tanya lowed her voice looking at her husband who had tears pouring down his cheeks "what are we going to do because I can't keep doing this Brandon I really can't" Brandon stood for a moment in silence then walked up stairs to his office, that's when Tanya broke down, head in her hands crying hard for a good five minutes.

Jackson looked at his mother who clearly was upset "Mommy, why is daddy upset?" Jackson asked innocently which made Tanya sob even more.

"Daddy is just tired sweetheart. come on lets get you all to bed " Tanya said slowly getting off the bench, picking up Lolly, reaching out for Maddie's hand. they walked up the steps.

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