Chapter 31

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" Where's Sophie?" Lolly asked as she saw aunty Donna walking Down the isle.
" She won't be long sweetie. Oh look. There's Anna and Lisa" Rosie said making Lolly turn her head to look at the girls.
" Wow they look like princesses too" Lolly gasped as she watched Anna and Lisa walk slowly down the isle.
" They do don't they sweet pea" Tanya said smiled at her youngest daughter and Lolly nodded cheerfully.
" Sophie's coming" Lolly squealed.
They all watched as Sophie walked down the isle smiling at family and friends as she walked over to Skye who stood ready and waiting for her with the biggest smile upon his face.
Sophie now stood in front of Skye
the priest who was doing the ceremony "Welcome to Sophie and Sky,and to all your friends who have gathered together this evening and welcome, especially, to Donna,who represents your family.We are all here together in this glorious...." The priest said joyfully as he looked out to the crowed.
Donna interrupted "And welcome to...." Donna sighed " To Sophie's dad" everyone gasped.
" What?" Maddie mouthed to Jackson who shrugged.
Donna walked over to Sophie "I have to tell you, He is here..." Donna looked out into the audience.
Sophie took a deep breath "I know...I invited him..." Sophie said.
Donna Frowned "You couldn't have I don't know which one it is" Donna said nervously and the crowd were murmuring amongst themselves.
Donna gasped "Oh, my God...." Donna put her hand over her mouth in shock "That's why they're all here!" Donna worked out.
Sophie sighed "I'm sorry...Sorry....I just. Please, please forgive me!" Sophie pleaded with her mother "Please forgive me: PIease?" Sophie pleaded once more.
Donna was silent for a minute "I don't know...Can you forgive me?" Donna asked
Sophie frowned "What? I don't care if you slept with hundreds of men.You're my mom, and I Iove you so much" the priest raised his eye brows at Donna. Sophie hugged her mother "Oh, Soph" Donna sniffled in her daughters embrace.
Donna let go of Sophie and turned to the priest "And I haven't slept with hundreds of men" Donna said informing him.
Sam Carmichael spoke out as he stood up "Am I getting this right? Sophie may be mine,but she may be Bill's or Harry's?" Sam frowned as he made his way to the alter.
Donna nodded "Yeah, yeah That's right And don't get all seIf-righteous with me,because you have no one but yourseIf to blame" Donna said as confidently as she could.
Sophie joined in "Yeah, if you hadn't just dumped my mother and gone off and married somebody else..." Sophie went on only for Sam to interrupt "Hey, hey, wait a minute! I had to go home: I was engaged But I told Lorraine I couldn't marry her, and I came right back" Sam said looking past Donna and looking at Tanya and Rosie who looked sheepish but lucky for them both Donna didn't listen to that she was more interested in the fact that he came back for her.
" Tanya love Why was he looking at you both ?" Brandon whispered " Oh it's along story I'll tell you late my love" she whispered back " And a lot of cake too" Rosie added and Brandon nodded.
Everyone listened to Sam and Donna "You....You.." Donna sighed "Why didn't you call me?" Donna wanted to know.
Sam thought about it for a second "Because I was crazy enough to think that you would be waiting for me. Only when I arrived, they toId me you were off with some other guy." Sam shrugged
" Oh Shit we are done for now" Rosie whispered to Tanya who nodded " we are so screwed" Lolly looked at her mother in confusion.
" Uh Oh looks like you're done for now mom" Jackson sniggered but Brandon frowned at his son showing his disapproval in Jackson's actions.
Sam spoke again "So, Lorraine called me an idiot and married me to prove it" Sam shrugged as it was nothing.
Harry Bright spoke up and soon jumped from his seat and made his was over towards Sam, Donna and Sophie "Sorry, can I just....Might I just butt in?" Harry asked politely.
Donna chuckled "Oh, Harry, don't it's all right, You don't have to" Donna shrugged
Harry shook his head "No, no, I just wanted to say it's great to have even a third of Sophie" Harry smiled proudly as Sophie who had tears in her eyes "I never thought I'd get even that much of a child.Donna, you were the first girl I ever loved Well, actually, you were the last girl I ever loved" Harry chuckled.
Harry smiled at Sophie "Now, this gives me an excuse to come here much more often" Donna was in shock.
Sam suggested "We can find out if you want, but I'm with Harry, Being a third of your dad is great by me" Sam smoked brightly and Sophie beamed.
Bill Anderson jumped up out of his seat " me, too I'll take a third" Bill said as he made his was over to the others.
Rosie shook her head "Typical, isn't it? You wait 20 years for a dad, and then three come along at once" Brandon nodded and so did Tanya.
Maddie frowned " I'm confused so those 3 men are Sophie's dad? How is that possible?" She questioned.
Jackson shook his head " Don't be an idiot Maddie of course they all aren't her dad as that's not possible but one of them is only they don't know which one it is" Jackson said and Maddie was silent for a few minutes before she understood.
The priest spoke up again after watching the whole process " Dearly  beloved...."
Sophie turned to face her Three fathers "You know, I have no cIue which one of you is my dad, but I don't mind" Sophie says brightly as she looks at the three men "Now, I know what I reaIIy want. Sky, Iet's just not get married yet" Everyone gasps.
Sky looked confused " What?" He frowns.
Sophie looks at Sky "What? You never wanted this anyway I know that so, Let's just get off this island and just see the world Okay? All right?" Sophie asks and Sky is silent for a moment Before he says  "I Iove you" Sky grabs Sophie and kisses her.
The priest looks at Donna "Donna, do I take it the wedding is cancelled?" He asked
Donna shrugs "I'm not entireIy sure what's happening right now" Donna looks to Sophie and sky for guidance but doesn't get anything.
Sam Carmichael take this as his opportunity to finally ask Donna "Why waste a good wedding?How about it, Sheridan You're going to need someone to boss around on this island of yours" Sam smiled his pearly white smile.
Donna chuckles "Are you nuts? I am not a bigamist" Donna scoffs.
Sam smirks "Neither am I. I'm a divorced man who's Ioved you for 21 years, and ever since the day I set foot on this isIand, I've been trying to teII you how much I Iove you" Donna gasps as Sam gets down on one knee.
" What's he doing on the floor?" Lolly yawns asks trying to get a clearer look at the scene.
Brandon reaches out to take Lolly off of Rosie's lap " That man is asking to marry Aunty Donna and he traditionally gets down on one knee and asks" Lolly wiped her tired eyes " Oh" he said weakly.
Sam has a small box in his hand with a hint of bling glistening in the light as if reflected off the glass pained church windows "Come on, Donna It's only the rest of your Life" Sam hinted
" I do" Donna said and soon enough they became husband and wife after waiting 21 years......

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