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Welcome to The Glitter Awards 2018!

Every writer is a sparkle, they shine in their own way, stand out in crowds, and aren't afraid to tell their story.

In the glitter awards everyone has a chance to win! People who submit a book with five chapters will have just as much chance to win as someone who submits a thirty chapter story. Everyone will be judged fairly.

No bribing and no bullying aloud! If you try and bribe or bully someone then you will be automatically disqualified!

The work you submit to this contest must be YOUR OWN WORK! If you know someone that you think should enter then tag them in your submission form or talk to them privately.

Just a note that I am not a professional, this contest is just for people to get their stories out there! (Plus get some pretty nice prizes ;D)

Even if you don't win, don't get discouraged! Everyone has their own time to sparkle and their own story to tell!

I hope you enjoy the awards and good luck!

The Glitter Awards 2018 (Closed)Where stories live. Discover now